WMS 1.1.1 Test Suite Release Notes ================================== r7 (2014-06-24) ------------------ - added HTTPParser to wmsops-getmap-params-layers-6 test r6 (2014-06-20) --------------- - Fixed CITE-943: (GetFeatureInfo) tests fail but the response seems valid. - Fixed CITE-828: In functions:layer-info, look for preferred SRS ("EPSG:4326") if given. r5 (2013-12-10) ------------------------- - Fixed CITE-913: Image parser for wms:wmsops-getmap-params-exceptions-5 and wms:wmsops-getmap-params-exceptions-6 r4 (2013-12-03) -------------------------- - Fixed CITE-892: Invalid requests - Fixed CITE-891: Color and alpha tests fail - Fixed CITE-886: DTD does not match - Fixed CITE-828: Broken SRS parameter in some tests - Fixed CITE-904: Invalid layer/style combinations r3 (2013-02-09) -------------------------- - Updated config.xml for TEAM-Engine v4 - Fixed several XPath errors: "A sequence of more than one item is not allowed as the first argument of string() (, , ...)" -> select first match. - Added note about required libraries r2 (2010-11-15) ----------------------- - updated release notes. 2010-11-15 (kstegemoller): - updated "Latest" release notes.2010-08-27 (kstegemoller): - fixed documentation typo. 2010-08-25 (aschmitz): - changed transparent value to FALSE as suggested in issue #25. 2010-07-05 (aschmitz): r1 (2009-10-12) ----------------------- - Created revision tag wms-1.1.1 r1. 2009-10-12 (kstegemoller): r0 (2009-10-7) cmorris ----------------------------- - Fixed tests that did not include a Version parameter (Issue 309) - Added tests written for NSG that apply to the base WMS specification: 1 When a layer is requested using escaped characters in its name, the response is a map 2 When an exception is generated, it validates 3 For each format a request with TRANSPARENT=TRUE does not return an exception. 4 For each image format advertised in capabilities, When a GetMap request is made using the image format, then the Content-type entity header returned is the format requested. 5 For each SRS in the capabilities document, when a GetMap request uses the SRS, then the response is valid. 6 For each of the Layers in the capabilities document, when a GetMap request is made with the LAYERS parameter set to the element of the layer, then the response is valid. 7 For each of the Styles in the capabilities document, when a GetMap request is made with the STYLES parameter set to the element of the style, then the response is valid. 8 For each advertised GetFeatureInfo format, when a GetFeatureInfo request is made with the INFO_FORMAT parameter set to the format, then the Content-type header returned is the same.