Release Notes
r4-SNAPSHOT (2014-MM-DD)
This release includes the following changes:
- Adopt Apache Maven as the build tool and modify directory layout accordingly.
- Add
parameter to wmts:main test (display
main input form only if this is not set).
r3 (2013-10-28)
This update includes the following changes:
- [CITE-858] Check Content-Type header in GetCapabilities response for XML media type.
- [CITE-846] Configuration elements in the <bs> (bootstrap) element written to the test
logs have a boolean (text) value.
- [CITE-830] In owsFunctions:KVP.GetCapabilities.Request.UpdateSequence: Modify the
Unicode code point value of the first character in the updateSequence string.
- Allow upload of capabilities document.
r2 (2013-06-12)
This maintenance release includes the following changes:
- [CITE-781] If TileRow or TileCol is out of range the expected exception code
is "TileOutOfRange" (wmtsFunctions.xml).
- [CITE-777] Allow for ows:Constraint to appear as child of ows:Operation in
capabilities document (bootstrap.xml, owsFunctions.xml).
- Ignore GetEncoding operation constraint as there are no alternatives to
KVP (in bootstrap.xml).
r1 (2013-02-09)
This is the initial release for TEAM Engine v4; it incorporates the following changes:
- Updated config.xml for TEAM-Engine v4.
- Set wmtsSchemaType = "resource" (classpath reference) instead of "file".
- Fixed XPath errors reported by Saxon: Cannot compare xs:boolean to xs:string.
- In wmtsFunctions:printSelected: starts-with() arguments must be string values.
- Added local copies of WMTS 1.0.1 schemas.
- Issue "skipped" verdict if profile not supported (otherwise displays empty test selection screen).