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Abstract Test Suite for WMS 1.3.0

1 Test module main:main

1.1 Test case main:main
Test case ID main:main
Test purpose Verify that the implementation under test complies with the WMS 1.3.0 specification.
Test method Pass if all the submodules and subtests (1.1.2 - 1.1.9) pass.
Test type Capability

1.2 Test module interactive:main

1.2.1 Test case interactive:main
Test case ID interactive:main
Test purpose Verify that the tests that require user interaction behave properly.
Test method Pass if all the submodules and subtests ( - pass.
Test type Capability
1.2.2 Test case interactive:basic-polygons-sanity-check
Test case ID interactive:basic-polygons-sanity-check
Test purpose Verify that the diamond from the cite:BasicPolygons layer displays correctly.
Test method Pass if the diamond from the cite:BasicPolygons layer displays correctly.
Test type Capability
1.2.3 Test case interactive:blue-lake-sanity-check
Test case ID interactive:blue-lake-sanity-check
Test purpose Verify that the layers from the Blue Lake dataset display correctly.
Test method Pass if the layers from the Blue Lake dataset display correctly.
Test type Capability
1.2.4 Test case interactive:layer-order
Test case ID interactive:layer-order
Test purpose Verify that when a GetMap request contains multiple layers, then the response renders the requested layers by drawing the leftmost in the list bottommost, and the next one over that.
Test method Pass if when a GetMap request contains multiple layers, then the response renders the requested layers by drawing the leftmost in the list bottommost, and the next one over that.
Reference WMS 1.3.0 section
Test type Capability
1.2.5 Test case interactive:aspect-ratio
Test case ID interactive:aspect-ratio
Test purpose Verify that when a GetMap request is made where the aspect ratio of the BBOX and the aspect ratio of the WIDTH/HEIGHT parameters is different, then the map returned is stretched.
Test method Pass if when a GetMap request is made where the aspect ratio of the BBOX and the aspect ratio of the WIDTH/HEIGHT parameters is different, then the map returned is stretched.
Reference WMS 1.3.0 section
Test type Capability
1.2.6 Test case interactive:exceptions-inimage
Test case ID interactive:exceptions-inimage
Test purpose Verify that when an exception is raised and EXCEPTIONS=INIMAGE, then the error messages are graphically returned as part of the content.
Test method Pass if when an exception is raised and EXCEPTIONS=INIMAGE, then the error messages are graphically returned as part of the content.
Reference WMS 1.3.0 section
Test type Capability
1.2.7 Test case interactive:fees-and-access-constraints
Test case ID interactive:fees-and-access-constraints
Test purpose Verify that when there are no fees or access constraints for using of the service and Fees and AccessConstraints elements are supplied in the service metadata, the reserved word "none" (case-insensitive) is used.
Test method Pass if when there are no fees or access constraints for using of the service and Fees and AccessConstraints elements are supplied in the service metadata, the reserved word "none" (case-insensitive) is used.
Reference WMS 1.3.0 section; WMS 1.3.0 section
Test type Capability

1.3 Test module main:options-requirements

1.3.1 Test case main:options-requirements
Test case ID main:options-requirements
Test purpose Verify that the requirements for testing the selected options are met.
Test method Pass if all the submodules and subtests ( - pass.
Test type Capability
1.3.2 Test case main:gif-or-png
Test case ID main:gif-or-png
Test purpose Verify that the server supports GetMap format image/gif and/or image/png.
Test method Pass if the server supports GetMap format image/gif and/or image/png.
Reference Test requirements
Test type Capability
1.3.3 Test case main:std-data-present
Test case ID main:std-data-present
Test purpose Verify that the server implements the CITE standard dataset in subsettable, resizable layers that support CRS:84.
Test method Pass if the server implements the CITE standard dataset in subsettable, resizable layers that support CRS:84.
Reference Test requirements
Test type Capability
1.3.4 Test case main:getfeatureinfo-supported
Test case ID main:getfeatureinfo-supported
Test purpose Verify that getFeatureInfo requests are supported.
Test method Pass if getFeatureInfo requests are supported.
Reference Test requirements
Test type Capability
1.3.5 Test case main:std-data-queryable
Test case ID main:std-data-queryable
Test purpose Verify that the CITE standard dataset layers containing polygons are queryable.
Test method Pass if the CITE standard dataset layers containing polygons are queryable.
Reference Test requirements
Test type Capability
1.3.6 Test case main:raster_elevation
Test case ID main:raster_elevation
Test purpose Verify that the server supports the cite:Terrain layer with a properly declared elevation dimenson.
Test method Pass if the server supports the cite:Terrain layer with a properly declared elevation dimenson.
Reference Test requirements
Test type Capability
1.3.7 Test case main:vector_elevation
Test case ID main:vector_elevation
Test purpose Verify that the server supports the cite:Lakes layer with a properly declared elevation dimenson.
Test method Pass if the server supports the cite:Lakes layer with a properly declared elevation dimenson.
Reference Test requirements
Test type Capability
1.3.8 Test case main:time
Test case ID main:time
Test purpose Verify that the server supports the cite:Autos layer with a properly declared time dimenson.
Test method Pass if the server supports the cite:Autos layer with a properly declared time dimenson.
Reference Test requirements
Test type Capability

1.4 Test module basic_elements:main

1.4.1 Test case basic_elements:main
Test case ID basic_elements:main
Test purpose Verify that the basic service elements behave properly.
Test method Pass if all the submodules and subtests ( - pass.
Test type Capability

1.4.2 Test module basic_elements:version-negotiation Test case basic_elements:version-negotiation
Test case ID basic_elements:version-negotiation
Test purpose Verify that version negotiation behaves properly.
Test method Pass if all the submodules and subtests ( - pass.
Test type Capability Test case basic_elements:negotiate-no-version
Test case ID basic_elements:negotiate-no-version
Test purpose Verify that when a GetCapabilities request is made without a version number, then the response is not lower than 1.3.0.
Test method Pass if when a GetCapabilities request is made without a version number, then the response is not lower than 1.3.0.
Reference WMS 1.3.0 section 6.2.4
Test type Capability Test case basic_elements:negotiate-basic_elements-version
Test case ID basic_elements:negotiate-basic_elements-version
Test purpose Verify that when a GetCapabilities request is made for version 1.3.0, then the response is version 1.3.0.
Test method Pass if when a GetCapabilities request is made for version 1.3.0, then the response is version 1.3.0.
Reference WMS 1.3.0 section 6.2.4
Test type Capability Test case basic_elements:negotiate-higher-version
Test case ID basic_elements:negotiate-higher-version
Test purpose Verify that when a GetCapabilities request is made for version 100.0.0, then the response is not lower than 1.3.0.
Test method Pass if when a GetCapabilities request is made for version 100.0.0, then the response is not lower than 1.3.0.
Reference WMS 1.3.0 section 6.2.4
Test type Capability Test case basic_elements:negotiate-lower-version
Test case ID basic_elements:negotiate-lower-version
Test purpose Verify that when a GetCapabilities request is made for version 0.0.0, the response is not higher than 1.3.0.
Test method Pass if when a GetCapabilities request is made for version 0.0.0, the response is not higher than 1.3.0.
Reference WMS 1.3.0 section 6.2.4
Test type Capability

1.4.3 Test module basic_elements:reserved-chars Test case basic_elements:reserved-chars
Test case ID basic_elements:reserved-chars
Test purpose Verify that reserved characters in HTTP GET URLs are hanled properly.
Test method Pass if all the submodules and subtests ( - pass.
Test type Capability Test case basic_elements:escaped-chars
Test case ID basic_elements:escaped-chars
Test purpose Verify that the server can decode escaped hex values.
Test method Pass if the server can decode escaped hex values.
Reference WMS 1.3.0 section 6.3.2
Test type Capability Test case basic_elements:escaped-space
Test case ID basic_elements:escaped-space
Test purpose Verify that the server can decode the "+" character as a space.
Test method Pass if the server can decode the "+" character as a space.
Reference WMS 1.3.0 section 6.3.2
Test type Capability

1.4.4 Test module basic_elements:param-rules Test case basic_elements:param-rules
Test case ID basic_elements:param-rules
Test purpose Verify that the request parameter rules behave properly.
Test method Pass if all the submodules and subtests ( - pass.
Test type Capability Test case basic_elements:extra-GetCapabilities-param
Test case ID basic_elements:extra-GetCapabilities-param
Test purpose Verify that when a GetCapabilities request contains a parameter which is not defined by the spec, the result is valid.
Test method Pass if when a GetCapabilities request contains a parameter which is not defined by the spec, the result is valid.
Reference WMS 1.3.0 section 6.8.1
Test type Capability Test case basic_elements:extra-GetMap-param
Test case ID basic_elements:extra-GetMap-param
Test purpose Verify that when a GetMap request contains a parameter which is not defined by the spec, the result is valid.
Test method Pass if when a GetMap request contains a parameter which is not defined by the spec, the result is valid.
Reference WMS 1.3.0 section 6.8.1
Test type Capability Test case basic_elements:extra-GetFeatureInfo-param
Test case ID basic_elements:extra-GetFeatureInfo-param
Test purpose Verify that when a GetFeatureInfo request contains a parameter which is not defined by the spec, the result is valid.
Test method Pass if when a GetFeatureInfo request contains a parameter which is not defined by the spec, the result is valid.
Reference WMS 1.3.0 section 6.8.1
Test type Capability

1.5 Test module getcapabilities:main

1.5.1 Test case getcapabilities:main
Test case ID getcapabilities:main
Test purpose Verify that the GetCapabilities request behaves properly.
Test method Pass if all the submodules and subtests ( - pass.
Test type Capability

1.5.2 Test module getcapabilities:requests Test case getcapabilities:requests
Test case ID getcapabilities:requests
Test purpose Verify that each request parameter behaves properly.
Test method Pass if all the submodules and subtests ( - pass.
Test type Capability Test case getcapabilities:each-format
Test case ID getcapabilities:each-format
Test purpose Verify that for each GetCapabilities format, when the FORMAT parameter is set to that format, the MIME type of the response matches that format.
Test method Pass if for each GetCapabilities format, when the FORMAT parameter is set to that format, the MIME type of the response matches that format.
Reference WMS 1.3.0 section
Test type Capability Test case getcapabilities:no-format
Test case ID getcapabilities:no-format
Test purpose Verify that when no FORMAT parameter is supplied, the response is capabilities XML with MIME type text/xml.
Test method Pass if when no FORMAT parameter is supplied, the response is capabilities XML with MIME type text/xml.
Reference WMS 1.3.0 section
Test type Capability Test case getcapabilities:invalid-format
Test case ID getcapabilities:invalid-format
Test purpose Verify that when an invalid FORMAT parameter is supplied, the response is capabilities XML with MIME type text/xml.
Test method Pass if when an invalid FORMAT parameter is supplied, the response is capabilities XML with MIME type text/xml.
Reference WMS 1.3.0 section
Test type Capability Test case getcapabilities:updatesequence-ignored
Test case ID getcapabilities:updatesequence-ignored
Test purpose Verify that when no updateSequence number is advertised in the Capabilities XML, The UPDATESEQUENCE parameter is ignored.
Test method Pass if when no updateSequence number is advertised in the Capabilities XML, The UPDATESEQUENCE parameter is ignored.
Reference WMS 1.3.0 section
Test type Capability Test case getcapabilities:updatesequence-current
Test case ID getcapabilities:updatesequence-current
Test purpose Verify that when a GetCapabilities request is made with an UPDATESEQUENCE parameter set to the current update sequence value, then the server returns a valid exception (code=CurrentUpdateSequence).
Test method Pass if when a GetCapabilities request is made with an UPDATESEQUENCE parameter set to the current update sequence value, then the server returns a valid exception (code=CurrentUpdateSequence).
Reference WMS 1.3.0 section
Test type Capability Test case getcapabilities:updatesequence-lower
Test case ID getcapabilities:updatesequence-lower
Test purpose Verify that when a GetCapabilities request is made with an UPDATESEQUENCE parameter set to a value lower than the current update sequence value, then the server returns capabilities XML.
Test method Pass if when a GetCapabilities request is made with an UPDATESEQUENCE parameter set to a value lower than the current update sequence value, then the server returns capabilities XML.
Reference WMS 1.3.0 section
Test type Capability Test case getcapabilities:updatesequence-higher
Test case ID getcapabilities:updatesequence-higher
Test purpose Verify that when a GetCapabilities request is made with an UPDATESEQUENCE parameter set to a value higher than the current update sequence value, then the server returns an exception (code=InvalidUpdateSequence).
Test method Pass if when a GetCapabilities request is made with an UPDATESEQUENCE parameter set to a value higher than the current update sequence value, then the server returns an exception (code=InvalidUpdateSequence).
Reference WMS 1.3.0 section
Test type Capability

1.5.3 Test module getcapabilities:xml-validation Test case getcapabilities:xml-validation
Test case ID getcapabilities:xml-validation
Test purpose Verify that the Capabilities XML validates.
Test method Pass if all the submodules and subtests ( - pass.
Test type Capability Test case getcapabilities:normative-schema
Test case ID getcapabilities:normative-schema
Test purpose Verify that the normative content of the schema document referred to by the schemaLocation attribute in the capabilities document is identical to the normative content of the on-line schema referred to in Annex E.1.
Test method Pass if the normative content of the schema document referred to by the schemaLocation attribute in the capabilities document is identical to the normative content of the on-line schema referred to in Annex E.1.
Reference WMS 1.3.0 section 7.2.4
Test type Capability Test case getcapabilities:validate-using-schemaLocation
Test case ID getcapabilities:validate-using-schemaLocation
Test purpose Verify that the response to a GetCapabilities request validates against the schema(s) provided with the schemaLocation attribute.
Test method Pass if the response to a GetCapabilities request validates against the schema(s) provided with the schemaLocation attribute.
Reference WMS 1.3.0 section 7.2.4
Test type Capability

1.5.4 Test module getcapabilities:capability-metadata Test case getcapabilities:capability-metadata
Test case ID getcapabilities:capability-metadata
Test purpose Verify that the capability metadata is advertised correctly.
Test method Pass if all the submodules and subtests ( - pass.
Test type Capability Test case getcapabilities:capability-onlineresource
Test case ID getcapabilities:capability-onlineresource
Test purpose Verify that each OnlineResource URL intended for HTTP Get requests in the capabilities document is a URL prefix
Test method Pass if each OnlineResource URL intended for HTTP Get requests in the capabilities document is a URL prefix
Reference WMS 1.3.0 section
Test type Capability Test case getcapabilities:capability-xml-getcapabilities-format
Test case ID getcapabilities:capability-xml-getcapabilities-format
Test purpose Verify that the server advertises the text/xml format for the GetCapabilities operation.
Test method Pass if the server advertises the text/xml format for the GetCapabilities operation.
Reference WMS 1.3.0 section; WMS 1.3.0 section
Test type Capability Test case getcapabilities:capability-xml-exception-format
Test case ID getcapabilities:capability-xml-exception-format
Test purpose Verify that the server advertises the XML service exception format.
Test method Pass if the server advertises the XML service exception format.
Reference WMS 1.3.0 section; WMS 1.3.0 section
Test type Capability

1.5.5 Test module getcapabilities:layer-properties Test case getcapabilities:layer-properties
Test case ID getcapabilities:layer-properties
Test purpose Verify that the layer properties are advertised correctly.
Test method Pass if all the submodules and subtests ( - pass.
Test type Capability Test module getcapabilities:logourls Test case getcapabilities:logourls
Test case ID getcapabilities:logourls
Test purpose Verify that the metadata for each of the LogoURL resources is correct.
Test method Pass if all the submodules and subtests ( - pass.
Reference WMS 1.3.0 section
Test type Capability Test case getcapabilities:resource-format
Test case ID getcapabilities:resource-format
Test purpose Verify that the MIME-type returned for the LogoURL resource is the advertised format.
Test method Pass if the MIME-type returned for the LogoURL resource is the advertised format.
Test type Capability Test case getcapabilities:resource-size
Test case ID getcapabilities:resource-size
Test purpose Verify that the size of the LogoURL resource is the advertised widthxthe advertised height.
Test method Pass if the size of the LogoURL resource is the advertised widthxthe advertised height.
Test type Capability Test case getcapabilities:bbox-crs-advertised
Test case ID getcapabilities:bbox-crs-advertised
Test purpose Verify that there are no BoundingBoxes provided for a CRS that is not advertised.
Test method Pass if there are no BoundingBoxes provided for a CRS that is not advertised.
Reference WMS 1.3.0 section
Test type Capability Test case getcapabilities:bbox-present
Test case ID getcapabilities:bbox-present
Test purpose Verify that every named layer in the capabilities document has at least one BoundingBox element (direct or inherited).
Test method Pass if every named layer in the capabilities document has at least one BoundingBox element (direct or inherited).
Reference WMS 1.3.0 section
Test type Capability Test case getcapabilities:bbox-distinct-crs
Test case ID getcapabilities:bbox-distinct-crs
Test purpose Verify that for each of the layer elements in the capabilities document, each BoundingBox on the layer states a different CRS.
Test method Pass if for each of the layer elements in the capabilities document, each BoundingBox on the layer states a different CRS.
Reference WMS 1.3.0 section
Test type Capability Test case getcapabilities:crs-auto2-declarations
Test case ID getcapabilities:crs-auto2-declarations
Test purpose Verify that none of the CRS declarations in the AUTO2 namespace contain factor, longitude, or latitude variables.
Test method Pass if none of the CRS declarations in the AUTO2 namespace contain factor, longitude, or latitude variables.
Reference WMS 1.3.0 section; WMS 1.3.0 section
Test type Capability Test case getcapabilities:crs-present
Test case ID getcapabilities:crs-present
Test purpose Verify that every named layer in the capabilities document has at least one CRS element that is either stated explicitly or inherited from a parent Layer.
Test method Pass if every named layer in the capabilities document has at least one CRS element that is either stated explicitly or inherited from a parent Layer.
Reference WMS 1.3.0 section
Test type Capability Test case getcapabilities:crs-for-all-layers
Test case ID getcapabilities:crs-for-all-layers
Test purpose Verify that the root layer lists all CRSs that are common to all subsidiary layers.
Test method Pass if the root layer lists all CRSs that are common to all subsidiary layers.
Reference WMS 1.3.0 section
Test type Capability Test module getcapabilities:dataurls Test case getcapabilities:dataurls
Test case ID getcapabilities:dataurls
Test purpose Verify that for each of the DataURL elements in the capabilities document, the MIME-type returned by the resource is the same as the Format element.
Test method Pass if all the submodules and subtests ( pass.
Reference WMS 1.3.0 section
Test type Capability Test case getcapabilities:resource-format
Test case ID getcapabilities:resource-format
Test purpose Verify that the MIME-type returned for the DataURL resource is the advertised format.
Test method Pass if the MIME-type returned for the DataURL resource is the advertised format.
Test type Capability Test case getcapabilities:ex_geobbox-present
Test case ID getcapabilities:ex_geobbox-present
Test purpose Verify that every named layer in the capabilities document has an EX_GeographicBoundingBox element that is either stated explicitly or inherited from a parent Layer.
Test method Pass if every named layer in the capabilities document has an EX_GeographicBoundingBox element that is either stated explicitly or inherited from a parent Layer.
Reference WMS 1.3.0 section
Test type Capability Test case getcapabilities:ex_geobbox-coordinates
Test case ID getcapabilities:ex_geobbox-coordinates
Test purpose Verify that for each EX_GeographicBoundingBox element, westBoundLongitude is less than eastBoundLongitude and southBoundLatitude is less than northBoundLatitude.
Test method Pass if for each EX_GeographicBoundingBox element, westBoundLongitude is less than eastBoundLongitude and southBoundLatitude is less than northBoundLatitude.
Reference WMS 1.3.0 section
Test type Capability Test module getcapabilities:featurelisturls Test case getcapabilities:featurelisturls
Test case ID getcapabilities:featurelisturls
Test purpose Verify that for each of the FeatureListURL elements in the capabilities document, the MIME-type returned by the resource is the same as the Format element.
Test method Pass if all the submodules and subtests ( pass.
Reference WMS 1.3.0 section
Test type Capability Test case getcapabilities:resource-format
Test case ID getcapabilities:resource-format
Test purpose Verify that the MIME-type returned for the FeatureListURL resource is the advertised format.
Test method Pass if the MIME-type returned for the FeatureListURL resource is the advertised format.
Test type Capability Test case getcapabilities:authorityurl-unique
Test case ID getcapabilities:authorityurl-unique
Test purpose Verify that there are no child Layer elements in the capabilities document that define an AuthorityURL with the same name attribute as one inherited from a parent layer.
Test method Pass if there are no child Layer elements in the capabilities document that define an AuthorityURL with the same name attribute as one inherited from a parent layer.
Reference WMS 1.3.0 section
Test type Capability Test case getcapabilities:identifier-matches-authorityurl
Test case ID getcapabilities:identifier-matches-authorityurl
Test purpose Verify that there are no Layer elements in the capabilities document that declare an Identifier without also declaring or inheriting a corresponding AuthorityURL.
Test method Pass if there are no Layer elements in the capabilities document that declare an Identifier without also declaring or inheriting a corresponding AuthorityURL.
Reference WMS 1.3.0 section
Test type Capability Test module getcapabilities:metadataurls Test case getcapabilities:metadataurls
Test case ID getcapabilities:metadataurls
Test purpose Verify that for each of the MetadataURL elements in the capabilities document, the MIME-type returned by the resource is the same as the Format element.
Test method Pass if all the submodules and subtests ( pass.
Reference WMS 1.3.0 section
Test type Capability Test case getcapabilities:resource-format
Test case ID getcapabilities:resource-format
Test purpose Verify that the MIME-type returned for the MetadataURL resource is the advertised format.
Test method Pass if the MIME-type returned for the MetadataURL resource is the advertised format.
Test type Capability Test case getcapabilities:style-unique
Test case ID getcapabilities:style-unique
Test purpose Verify that there are no child layers in the capabilities document that redefine a Style with the same name as one inherited from one of its parents.
Test method Pass if there are no child layers in the capabilities document that redefine a Style with the same name as one inherited from one of its parents.
Reference WMS 1.3.0 section
Test type Capability Test module getcapabilities:style-legendurls Test case getcapabilities:style-legendurls
Test case ID getcapabilities:style-legendurls
Test purpose Verify that the metadata for each LegendURL resource in each Style element is correct.
Test method Pass if all the submodules and subtests ( - pass.
Reference WMS 1.3.0 section
Test type Capability Test case getcapabilities:resource-format
Test case ID getcapabilities:resource-format
Test purpose Verify that the MIME-type returned for the LegendURL resource is the advertised format.
Test method Pass if the MIME-type returned for the LegendURL resource is the advertised format.
Test type Capability Test case getcapabilities:resource-size
Test case ID getcapabilities:resource-size
Test purpose Verify that the size of the LegendURL resource is the advertised widthxthe advertised height.
Test method Pass if the size of the LegendURL resource is the advertised widthxthe advertised height.
Test type Capability Test module getcapabilities:style-stylesheeturls Test case getcapabilities:style-stylesheeturls
Test case ID getcapabilities:style-stylesheeturls
Test purpose Verify that the metadata for the StyleSheetURL resource in each Style element is correct.
Test method Pass if all the submodules and subtests ( pass.
Reference WMS 1.3.0 section
Test type Capability Test case getcapabilities:resource-format
Test case ID getcapabilities:resource-format
Test purpose Verify that the MIME-type returned for the StyleSheetURL resource is the advertised format.
Test method Pass if the MIME-type returned for the StyleSheetURL resource is the advertised format.
Test type Capability Test module getcapabilities:style-styleurls Test case getcapabilities:style-styleurls
Test case ID getcapabilities:style-styleurls
Test purpose Verify that the metadata for the StyleURL resource in each Style element is correct.
Test method Pass if all the submodules and subtests ( pass.
Reference WMS 1.3.0 section
Test type Capability Test case getcapabilities:resource-format
Test case ID getcapabilities:resource-format
Test purpose Verify that the MIME-type returned for the StyleURL resource is the advertised format.
Test method Pass if the MIME-type returned for the StyleURL resource is the advertised format.
Test type Capability

1.5.6 Test module getcapabilities:dimensions Test case getcapabilities:dimensions
Test case ID getcapabilities:dimensions
Test purpose Verify that dimensions are declared properly.
Test method Pass if all the submodules and subtests ( - pass.
Test type Capability Test case getcapabilities:dims-time
Test case ID getcapabilities:dims-time
Test purpose Verify that all declarations for the time dimension use 'ISO8601' for units.
Test method Pass if all declarations for the time dimension use 'ISO8601' for units.
Reference WMS 1.3.0, Annex C, Section C.2
Test type Capability Test case getcapabilities:dims-elevation-crs88
Test case ID getcapabilities:dims-elevation-crs88
Test purpose Verify that no declarations for the elevation dimension using the vertical datum CRS:88 use a unitSymbol other than 'm'.
Test method Pass if no declarations for the elevation dimension using the vertical datum CRS:88 use a unitSymbol other than 'm'.
Reference WMS 1.3.0, Annex C, Section C.2
Test type Capability Test case getcapabilities:dims-no-redeclarations
Test case ID getcapabilities:dims-no-redeclarations
Test purpose Verify that there are no Dimension elements in the capabilities document that are redeclared using conflicting unit or unitSymbol attributes.
Test method Pass if there are no Dimension elements in the capabilities document that are redeclared using conflicting unit or unitSymbol attributes.
Reference WMS 1.3.0, Annex C, Section C.2
Test type Capability

1.6 Test module getmap:main

1.6.1 Test case getmap:main
Test case ID getmap:main
Test purpose Verify that the GetMap request behaves properly.
Test method Pass if all the submodules and subtests ( - pass.
Test type Capability

1.6.2 Test module getmap:bbox Test case getmap:bbox
Test case ID getmap:bbox
Test purpose Verify that the BBOX parameter behaves properly.
Test method Pass if all the submodules and subtests ( - pass.
Test type Capability Test case getmap:bbox-direct
Test case ID getmap:bbox-direct
Test purpose Verify that when a GetMap request contains a layer whose BoundingBox is contained directly in the layer, then the response is valid.
Test method Pass if when a GetMap request contains a layer whose BoundingBox is contained directly in the layer, then the response is valid.
Reference WMS 1.3.0 section
Test type Capability Test case getmap:bbox-inherited
Test case ID getmap:bbox-inherited
Test purpose Verify that when a GetMap request contains a layer whose BoundingBox is inherited from a parent layer, then the response is valid.
Test method Pass if when a GetMap request contains a layer whose BoundingBox is inherited from a parent layer, then the response is valid.
Reference WMS 1.3.0 section
Test type Capability Test case getmap:bbox-below-scale
Test case ID getmap:bbox-below-scale
Test purpose Verify that when a map is requested where the scale is below the appropriate range as indicated by the MinScaleDenominator element, then the response is not an exception.
Test method Pass if when a map is requested where the scale is below the appropriate range as indicated by the MinScaleDenominator element, then the response is not an exception.
Reference WMS 1.3.0 section; WMS 1.3.0 section
Test type Capability Test case getmap:bbox-above-scale
Test case ID getmap:bbox-above-scale
Test purpose Verify that when a map is requested where the scale is above the appropriate range as indicated by the MaxScaleDenominator element, then the response is not an exception.
Test method Pass if when a map is requested where the scale is above the appropriate range as indicated by the MaxScaleDenominator element, then the response is not an exception.
Reference WMS 1.3.0 section; WMS 1.3.0 section
Test type Capability Test case getmap:bbox-exponential
Test case ID getmap:bbox-exponential
Test purpose Verify that when a GetMap request uses exponential notation values for the BBOX parameter, then the response is valid.
Test method Pass if when a GetMap request uses exponential notation values for the BBOX parameter, then the response is valid.
Reference WMS 1.3.0 section; WMS 1.3.0 section 6.5
Test type Capability Test case getmap:bbox-pixel-interpretation
Test case ID getmap:bbox-pixel-interpretation
Test purpose Verify that the server interprets the bounding box as going around the "outside" of the pixels of the image rather than through the centers of the border pixels.
Test method Pass if the server interprets the bounding box as going around the "outside" of the pixels of the image rather than through the centers of the border pixels.
Reference WMS 1.3.0 section
Test type Capability Test case getmap:bbox-minx-gt-maxx
Test case ID getmap:bbox-minx-gt-maxx
Test purpose Verify that when the BBOX parameter's minimum X is greater than the maximum X, then the server throws an exception.
Test method Pass if when the BBOX parameter's minimum X is greater than the maximum X, then the server throws an exception.
Reference WMS 1.3.0 section
Test type Capability Test case getmap:bbox-minx-eq-maxx
Test case ID getmap:bbox-minx-eq-maxx
Test purpose Verify that when the BBOX parameter's minimum X is equal to the maximum X, then the server throws an exception.
Test method Pass if when the BBOX parameter's minimum X is equal to the maximum X, then the server throws an exception.
Reference WMS 1.3.0 section
Test type Capability Test case getmap:bbox-miny-gt-maxy
Test case ID getmap:bbox-miny-gt-maxy
Test purpose Verify that when the BBOX parameter's minimum Y is greater than the maximum Y, then the server throws an exception.
Test method Pass if when the BBOX parameter's minimum Y is greater than the maximum Y, then the server throws an exception.
Reference WMS 1.3.0 section
Test type Capability Test case getmap:bbox-miny-eq-maxy
Test case ID getmap:bbox-miny-eq-maxy
Test purpose Verify that when the BBOX parameter's minimum Y is equal to the maximum Y, then the server throws an exception.
Test method Pass if when the BBOX parameter's minimum Y is equal to the maximum Y, then the server throws an exception.
Reference WMS 1.3.0 section
Test type Capability Test case getmap:bbox-no-overlap
Test case ID getmap:bbox-no-overlap
Test purpose Verify that when a request contains a Bounding Box whose area does not overlap at all with the BoundingBox advertised, then the server returns empty content.
Test method Pass if when a request contains a Bounding Box whose area does not overlap at all with the BoundingBox advertised, then the server returns empty content.
Reference WMS 1.3.0 section
Test type Capability Test case getmap:bbox-outside-crs
Test case ID getmap:bbox-outside-crs
Test purpose Verify that when a request contains a Bounding Box that falls outside of the defined range of the CRS, then the server returns empty content for the area.
Test method Pass if when a request contains a Bounding Box that falls outside of the defined range of the CRS, then the server returns empty content for the area.
Reference WMS 1.3.0 section
Test type Capability

1.6.3 Test module getmap:bgcolor Test case getmap:bgcolor
Test case ID getmap:bgcolor
Test purpose Verify that the BGCOLOR parameter behaves properly.
Test method Pass if all the submodules and subtests ( - pass.
Test type Capability Test case getmap:no-bgcolor
Test case ID getmap:no-bgcolor
Test purpose Verify that when a GetMap request is made with no BGCOLOR parameter, then areas which are not covered contain white (0xFFFFFF) pixels.
Test method Pass if when a GetMap request is made with no BGCOLOR parameter, then areas which are not covered contain white (0xFFFFFF) pixels.
Reference WMS 1.3.0 section
Test type Capability Test case getmap:blue-bgcolor
Test case ID getmap:blue-bgcolor
Test purpose Verify that when a GetMap request is made with a BGCOLOR parameter, then areas which are not covered are set to the value of BGCOLOR.
Test method Pass if when a GetMap request is made with a BGCOLOR parameter, then areas which are not covered are set to the value of BGCOLOR.
Reference WMS 1.3.0 section
Test type Capability

1.6.4 Test module getmap:crs Test case getmap:crs
Test case ID getmap:crs
Test purpose Verify that the CRS parameter behaves properly.
Test method Pass if all the submodules and subtests ( - pass.
Test type Capability Test case getmap:crs-direct
Test case ID getmap:crs-direct
Test purpose Verify that when a GetMap request contains a single layer and a CRS where the CRS is contained directly in the layer in the capabilities document, then the response is valid.
Test method Pass if when a GetMap request contains a single layer and a CRS where the CRS is contained directly in the layer in the capabilities document, then the response is valid.
Reference WMS 1.3.0 section
Test type Capability Test case getmap:crs-inherited
Test case ID getmap:crs-inherited
Test purpose Verify that when a GetMap request contains a single layer and a CRS where the CRS is inherited from a parent layer in the capabilities document, then the response is valid.
Test method Pass if when a GetMap request contains a single layer and a CRS where the CRS is inherited from a parent layer in the capabilities document, then the response is valid.
Reference WMS 1.3.0 section
Test type Capability Test case getmap:invalid-crs
Test case ID getmap:invalid-crs
Test purpose Verify that when the CRS parameter in a GetMap request contains a CRS that is not valid for any of the layers being requested, then the server shall throw a Service Exception (code=InvalidCRS).
Test method Pass if when the CRS parameter in a GetMap request contains a CRS that is not valid for any of the layers being requested, then the server shall throw a Service Exception (code=InvalidCRS).
Reference WMS 1.3.0 section
Test type Capability Test case getmap:each-crs
Test case ID getmap:each-crs
Test purpose Verify that for each CRS, when the CRS parameter is set to that CRS, then the response is valid.
Test method Pass if for each CRS, when the CRS parameter is set to that CRS, then the response is valid.
Reference WMS 1.3.0 section
Test type Capability

1.6.5 Test module getmap:exceptions Test case getmap:exceptions
Test case ID getmap:exceptions
Test purpose Verify that the EXCEPTIONS parameter behaves properly.
Test method Pass if all the submodules and subtests ( - pass.
Test type Capability Test case getmap:exceptions-default
Test case ID getmap:exceptions-default
Test purpose Verify that when an exception is raised without specifying the EXCEPTIONS parameter, then the response is a valid exception with a Content-type header of text/xml.
Test method Pass if when an exception is raised without specifying the EXCEPTIONS parameter, then the response is a valid exception with a Content-type header of text/xml.
Reference WMS 1.3.0 section; WMS 1.3.0 Annex E section E.2
Test type Capability Test case getmap:exceptions-xml
Test case ID getmap:exceptions-xml
Test purpose Verify that when an exception is raised and EXCEPTIONS=XML, then the response is a valid exception with a Content-type header of text/xml.
Test method Pass if when an exception is raised and EXCEPTIONS=XML, then the response is a valid exception with a Content-type header of text/xml.
Reference WMS 1.3.0 section; WMS 1.3.0 Annex E section E.2
Test type Capability Test case getmap:exceptions-inimage-mime
Test case ID getmap:exceptions-inimage-mime
Test purpose Verify that when an exception is raised and EXCEPTIONS=INIMAGE, then the Content-type of the return header is the same as the FORMAT requested.
Test method Pass if when an exception is raised and EXCEPTIONS=INIMAGE, then the Content-type of the return header is the same as the FORMAT requested.
Reference WMS 1.3.0 section
Test type Capability Test case getmap:exceptions-blank-red
Test case ID getmap:exceptions-blank-red
Test purpose Verify that when an exception is raised and EXCEPTIONS=BLANK, TRANSPRENT=FALSE, and BGCOLOR=0xFF0000, then the image returned contains only red pixels.
Test method Pass if when an exception is raised and EXCEPTIONS=BLANK, TRANSPRENT=FALSE, and BGCOLOR=0xFF0000, then the image returned contains only red pixels.
Reference WMS 1.3.0 section
Test type Capability Test case getmap:exceptions-blank-transparent
Test case ID getmap:exceptions-blank-transparent
Test purpose Verify that when an exception is raised and EXCEPTIONS=BLANK and TRANSPRENT=TRUE, then the image returned contains only transparent pixels.
Test method Pass if when an exception is raised and EXCEPTIONS=BLANK and TRANSPRENT=TRUE, then the image returned contains only transparent pixels.
Reference WMS 1.3.0 section
Test type Capability Test case getmap:exceptions-blank-mime
Test case ID getmap:exceptions-blank-mime
Test purpose Verify that when an exception is raised and EXCEPTIONS=BLANK, then the Content-type of the return header is the same as the FORMAT requested.
Test method Pass if when an exception is raised and EXCEPTIONS=BLANK, then the Content-type of the return header is the same as the FORMAT requested.
Reference WMS 1.3.0 section
Test type Capability

1.6.6 Test module getmap:format Test case getmap:format
Test case ID getmap:format
Test purpose Verify that the FORMAT parameter behaves properly.
Test method Pass if all the submodules and subtests ( - pass.
Test type Capability Test case getmap:invalid-format
Test case ID getmap:invalid-format
Test purpose Verify that when a GetMap request contains a Format that is not advertised, then the server throws a Service Exception (code=InvalidFormat).
Test method Pass if when a GetMap request contains a Format that is not advertised, then the server throws a Service Exception (code=InvalidFormat).
Reference WMS 1.3.0 section
Test type Capability Test case getmap:each-format
Test case ID getmap:each-format
Test purpose Verify that for each GetMap format, when the FORMAT parameter is set to that format, the MIME type of the response matches that format.
Test method Pass if for each GetMap format, when the FORMAT parameter is set to that format, the MIME type of the response matches that format.
Reference WMS 1.3.0 section
Test type Capability

1.6.7 Test module getmap:layers Test case getmap:layers
Test case ID getmap:layers
Test purpose Verify that the LAYERS parameter behaves properly.
Test method Pass if all the submodules and subtests ( - pass.
Test type Capability Test case getmap:two-layers
Test case ID getmap:two-layers
Test purpose Verify that when a GetMap request contains two valid layer names (separated by a comma), then the response is valid.
Test method Pass if when a GetMap request contains two valid layer names (separated by a comma), then the response is valid.
Reference WMS 1.3.0 section
Test type Capability Test case getmap:three-layers
Test case ID getmap:three-layers
Test purpose Verify that when a GetMap request contains three valid layer names (separated by commas), then the response is valid.
Test method Pass if when a GetMap request contains three valid layer names (separated by commas), then the response is valid.
Reference WMS 1.3.0 section
Test type Capability Test case getmap:invalid-layer
Test case ID getmap:invalid-layer
Test purpose Verify that when the layer in a GetMap request is invalid, then the response is an exception (code=LayerNotDefined).
Test method Pass if when the layer in a GetMap request is invalid, then the response is an exception (code=LayerNotDefined).
Reference WMS 1.3.0 section; WMS 1.3.0 section
Test type Capability Test case getmap:first-layer-invalid
Test case ID getmap:first-layer-invalid
Test purpose Verify that when a GetMap request contains two layers where the first is invalid and the second is valid, then the response is an exception (code=LayerNotDefined).
Test method Pass if when a GetMap request contains two layers where the first is invalid and the second is valid, then the response is an exception (code=LayerNotDefined).
Reference WMS 1.3.0 section; WMS 1.3.0 section
Test type Capability Test case getmap:second-layer-invalid
Test case ID getmap:second-layer-invalid
Test purpose Verify that when a GetMap request contains two layers where the first is valid and the second is invalid, then the response is an exception (code=LayerNotDefined).
Test method Pass if when a GetMap request contains two layers where the first is valid and the second is invalid, then the response is an exception (code=LayerNotDefined).
Reference WMS 1.3.0 section; WMS 1.3.0 section
Test type Capability Test case getmap:layerlimit
Test case ID getmap:layerlimit
Test purpose Verify that if the service advertises a LayerLimit, it can handle a GetMap request that includes that many layers.
Test method Pass if if the service advertises a LayerLimit, it can handle a GetMap request that includes that many layers.
Reference WMS 1.3.0 section
Test type Capability Test module getmap:each-layer-crs-combination Test case getmap:each-layer-crs-combination
Test case ID getmap:each-layer-crs-combination
Test purpose Verify that for each named layer, each of its CRSs is valid.
Test method Pass if all the submodules and subtests ( pass.
Reference WMS 1.3.0 section
Test type Capability Test case getmap:each-crs
Test case ID getmap:each-crs
Test purpose Verify that for each CRS, when the CRS parameter is set to that CRS, then the response is valid.
Test method Pass if for each CRS, when the CRS parameter is set to that CRS, then the response is valid.
Reference WMS 1.3.0 section
Test type Capability Test case getmap:each-layer
Test case ID getmap:each-layer
Test purpose Verify that for each named layer, when the LAYERS parameter is set to that layer name, the MIME type of the response is valid.
Test method Pass if for each named layer, when the LAYERS parameter is set to that layer name, the MIME type of the response is valid.
Reference WMS 1.3.0 section
Test type Capability

1.6.8 Test module getmap:styles Test case getmap:styles
Test case ID getmap:styles
Test purpose Verify that the STYLES parameter behaves properly.
Test method Pass if all the submodules and subtests ( - pass.
Test type Capability Test case getmap:styles-direct
Test case ID getmap:styles-direct
Test purpose Verify that when a GetMap request contains a single layer and a single style where the style is contained directly in the layer in the capabilities document, then the response is valid.
Test method Pass if when a GetMap request contains a single layer and a single style where the style is contained directly in the layer in the capabilities document, then the response is valid.
Reference WMS 1.3.0 section
Test type Capability Test case getmap:styles-inherited
Test case ID getmap:styles-inherited
Test purpose Verify that when a GetMap request contains a single layer and a single style where the style is inherited by the layer in the capabilities document, then the response is valid.
Test method Pass if when a GetMap request contains a single layer and a single style where the style is inherited by the layer in the capabilities document, then the response is valid.
Reference WMS 1.3.0 section
Test type Capability Test case getmap:two-styles
Test case ID getmap:two-styles
Test purpose Verify that when a GetMap request contains two valid layers and two valid styles (separated by a comma), then the response is valid.
Test method Pass if when a GetMap request contains two valid layers and two valid styles (separated by a comma), then the response is valid.
Reference WMS 1.3.0 section
Test type Capability Test case getmap:three-styles
Test case ID getmap:three-styles
Test purpose Verify that when a GetMap request contains three valid layers and three valid styles (separated by commas), then the response is valid.
Test method Pass if when a GetMap request contains three valid layers and three valid styles (separated by commas), then the response is valid.
Reference WMS 1.3.0 section
Test type Capability Test case getmap:invalid-style
Test case ID getmap:invalid-style
Test purpose Verify that when a GetMap request contains an unadvertised Style, then the response is an exception (code=StyleNotDefined).
Test method Pass if when a GetMap request contains an unadvertised Style, then the response is an exception (code=StyleNotDefined).
Reference WMS 1.3.0 section
Test type Capability Test case getmap:styles-default-single-layer
Test case ID getmap:styles-default-single-layer
Test purpose Verify that when a GetMap request contains a single layer and a null style value (as in "STYLES="), then the response is valid.
Test method Pass if when a GetMap request contains a single layer and a null style value (as in "STYLES="), then the response is valid.
Reference WMS 1.3.0 section
Test type Capability Test case getmap:styles-default-multiple-layers
Test case ID getmap:styles-default-multiple-layers
Test purpose Verify that when a GetMap request contains multiple layers and requests all layers to be shown in the default style by using a single null value (as in "STYLES="), then the response is valid.
Test method Pass if when a GetMap request contains multiple layers and requests all layers to be shown in the default style by using a single null value (as in "STYLES="), then the response is valid.
Reference WMS 1.3.0 section
Test type Capability Test case getmap:styles-default-commas
Test case ID getmap:styles-default-commas
Test purpose Verify that when a GetMap request contains multiple layers and requests all layers to be shown in the default style by using null values between commas (as in "STYLES=,,,"), then the response is valid.
Test method Pass if when a GetMap request contains multiple layers and requests all layers to be shown in the default style by using null values between commas (as in "STYLES=,,,"), then the response is valid.
Reference WMS 1.3.0 section
Test type Capability Test case getmap:styles-some-default
Test case ID getmap:styles-some-default
Test purpose Verify that when a GetMap request contains multiple layers and a mixture of named and default styles (as in "STYLES=style1,,style2,,"), then the response is valid.
Test method Pass if when a GetMap request contains multiple layers and a mixture of named and default styles (as in "STYLES=style1,,style2,,"), then the response is valid.
Reference WMS 1.3.0 section
Test type Capability Test case getmap:first-style-invalid
Test case ID getmap:first-style-invalid
Test purpose Verify that when a GetMap request contains two layers, where the first style is not valid and the second style is, then the response is an exception (code=StyleNotDefined).
Test method Pass if when a GetMap request contains two layers, where the first style is not valid and the second style is, then the response is an exception (code=StyleNotDefined).
Reference WMS 1.3.0 section
Test type Capability Test case getmap:second-style-invalid
Test case ID getmap:second-style-invalid
Test purpose Verify that when a GetMap request contains two layers, where the first style is valid and the second style is not, then the response is an exception (code=StyleNotDefined).
Test method Pass if when a GetMap request contains two layers, where the first style is valid and the second style is not, then the response is an exception (code=StyleNotDefined).
Reference WMS 1.3.0 section
Test type Capability Test case getmap:each-style
Test case ID getmap:each-style
Test purpose Verify that for each style, when the STYLES parameter is set to that style name, the MIME type of the response is valid.
Test method Pass if for each style, when the STYLES parameter is set to that style name, the MIME type of the response is valid.
Reference WMS 1.3.0 section
Test type Capability

1.6.9 Test module getmap:transparent Test case getmap:transparent
Test case ID getmap:transparent
Test purpose Verify that the TRANSPARENT parameter behaves properly.
Test method Pass if all the submodules and subtests ( - pass.
Test type Capability Test case getmap:transparent-default
Test case ID getmap:transparent-default
Test purpose Verify that when a GetMap request is made with no TRANSPARENT parameter and a FORMAT that supports transparency over a layer that is not opaque, then the response contains no transparent pixels.
Test method Pass if when a GetMap request is made with no TRANSPARENT parameter and a FORMAT that supports transparency over a layer that is not opaque, then the response contains no transparent pixels.
Reference WMS 1.3.0 section
Test type Capability Test case getmap:transparent-false
Test case ID getmap:transparent-false
Test purpose Verify that when a GetMap request is made with TRANSPARENT=FALSE and a FORMAT that supports transparency over a layer that is not opaque, then the response contains no transparent pixels.
Test method Pass if when a GetMap request is made with TRANSPARENT=FALSE and a FORMAT that supports transparency over a layer that is not opaque, then the response contains no transparent pixels.
Reference WMS 1.3.0 section
Test type Capability Test case getmap:transparent-true
Test case ID getmap:transparent-true
Test purpose Verify that when a GetMap request is made with TRANSPARENT=TRUE and a FORMAT that supports transparency over a BBOX that is not completely covered, then the response contains transparent pixels.
Test method Pass if when a GetMap request is made with TRANSPARENT=TRUE and a FORMAT that supports transparency over a BBOX that is not completely covered, then the response contains transparent pixels.
Reference WMS 1.3.0 section
Test type Capability Test case getmap:transparent-opaque-layer
Test case ID getmap:transparent-opaque-layer
Test purpose Verify that clients may request TRANSPARENT=TRUE on a layer that is opaque.
Test method Pass if clients may request TRANSPARENT=TRUE on a layer that is opaque.
Reference WMS 1.3.0 section
Test type Capability

1.6.10 Test module getmap:width-and-height Test case getmap:width-and-height
Test case ID getmap:width-and-height
Test purpose Verify that the WIDTH and HEIGHT parameters behaves properly.
Test method Pass if all the submodules and subtests ( - pass.
Test type Capability Test case getmap:large-size
Test case ID getmap:large-size
Test purpose Verify that when a request is made for a large map (1024x768 or largest map supported), the image returned is exactly the size requested.
Test method Pass if when a request is made for a large map (1024x768 or largest map supported), the image returned is exactly the size requested.
Reference WMS 1.3.0 section
Test type Capability Test case getmap:small-size
Test case ID getmap:small-size
Test purpose Verify that when a request is made with WIDTH=8 and HEIGHT=5, the image returned is exactly the size requested.
Test method Pass if when a request is made with WIDTH=8 and HEIGHT=5, the image returned is exactly the size requested.
Reference WMS 1.3.0 section
Test type Capability

1.7 Test module getfeatureinfo:main

1.7.1 Test case getfeatureinfo:main
Test case ID getfeatureinfo:main
Test purpose Verify that the GetFeatureInfo request behaves properly.
Test method Pass if all the submodules and subtests ( - pass.
Test type Capability

1.7.2 Test module getfeatureinfo:exceptions Test case getfeatureinfo:exceptions
Test case ID getfeatureinfo:exceptions
Test purpose Verify that the EXCEPTIONS parameter behaves properly.
Test method Pass if all the submodules and subtests ( - pass.
Test type Capability Test case getfeatureinfo:exceptions-default
Test case ID getfeatureinfo:exceptions-default
Test purpose Verify that when an exception is raised and the EXCEPTIONS parameter is absent from the request, then the response is a valid exception with a Content-type header of text/xml.
Test method Pass if when an exception is raised and the EXCEPTIONS parameter is absent from the request, then the response is a valid exception with a Content-type header of text/xml.
Reference WMS 1.3.0 section; WMS 1.3.0 Annex E section E.2
Test type Capability Test case getfeatureinfo:exceptions-xml
Test case ID getfeatureinfo:exceptions-xml
Test purpose Verify that when an exception is raised and EXCEPTIONS=XML, then the response is a valid exception with a Content-type header of text/xml.
Test method Pass if when an exception is raised and EXCEPTIONS=XML, then the response is a valid exception with a Content-type header of text/xml.
Reference WMS 1.3.0 section; WMS 1.3.0 Annex E section E.2
Test type Capability

1.7.3 Test module getfeatureinfo:feature_count Test case getfeatureinfo:feature_count
Test case ID getfeatureinfo:feature_count
Test purpose Verify that the FEATURE_COUNT parameter behaves properly.
Test method Pass if all the submodules and subtests ( - pass.
Test type Capability Test case getfeatureinfo:feature_count-default
Test case ID getfeatureinfo:feature_count-default
Test purpose Verify that when the FEATURE_COUNT parameter is not specified, then less data is returned than when FEATURE_COUNT is 2.
Test method Pass if when the FEATURE_COUNT parameter is not specified, then less data is returned than when FEATURE_COUNT is 2.
Reference WMS 1.3.0 section
Test type Capability Test case getfeatureinfo:feature_count-1
Test case ID getfeatureinfo:feature_count-1
Test purpose Verify that when the FEATURE_COUNT parameter is 1, then less data is returned than when FEATURE_COUNT is 2.
Test method Pass if when the FEATURE_COUNT parameter is 1, then less data is returned than when FEATURE_COUNT is 2.
Reference WMS 1.3.0 section
Test type Capability

1.7.4 Test module getfeatureinfo:info_format Test case getfeatureinfo:info_format
Test case ID getfeatureinfo:info_format
Test purpose Verify that the FORMAT parameter behaves properly.
Test method Pass if all the submodules and subtests ( - pass.
Test type Capability Test case getfeatureinfo:invalid-info_format
Test case ID getfeatureinfo:invalid-info_format
Test purpose Verify that when a GetFeatureInfo request is made with an invalid INFO_FORMAT parameter, then the server returns an exception (code=InvalidFormat).
Test method Pass if when a GetFeatureInfo request is made with an invalid INFO_FORMAT parameter, then the server returns an exception (code=InvalidFormat).
Reference WMS 1.3.0 section
Test type Capability Test case getfeatureinfo:each-info_format
Test case ID getfeatureinfo:each-info_format
Test purpose Verify that for each GetFeatureInfo format, when the INFO_FORMAT parameter is set to that format, the MIME type of the response matches that format.
Test method Pass if for each GetFeatureInfo format, when the INFO_FORMAT parameter is set to that format, the MIME type of the response matches that format.
Reference WMS 1.3.0 section
Test type Capability

1.7.5 Test module getfeatureinfo:i-and-j Test case getfeatureinfo:i-and-j
Test case ID getfeatureinfo:i-and-j
Test purpose Verify that the I and J parameters behaves properly.
Test method Pass if all the submodules and subtests ( - pass.
Test type Capability Test case getfeatureinfo:invalid-i
Test case ID getfeatureinfo:invalid-i
Test purpose Verify that when a GetFeatureInfo request is made with an invalid I parameter, then the response is an exception (code=InvalidPoint).
Test method Pass if when a GetFeatureInfo request is made with an invalid I parameter, then the response is an exception (code=InvalidPoint).
Reference WMS 1.3.0 section
Test type Capability Test case getfeatureinfo:invalid-j
Test case ID getfeatureinfo:invalid-j
Test purpose Verify that when a GetFeatureInfo request is made with an invalid J parameter, then the response is an exception (code=InvalidPoint).
Test method Pass if when a GetFeatureInfo request is made with an invalid J parameter, then the response is an exception (code=InvalidPoint).
Reference WMS 1.3.0 section
Test type Capability

1.7.6 Test module getfeatureinfo:query-layers Test case getfeatureinfo:query-layers
Test case ID getfeatureinfo:query-layers
Test purpose Verify that the QUERY_LAYERS parameter behaves properly.
Test method Pass if all the submodules and subtests ( - pass.
Test type Capability Test case getfeatureinfo:two-query_layers
Test case ID getfeatureinfo:two-query_layers
Test purpose Verify that when a GetFeatureInfo request contains two layers, then the response is valid.
Test method Pass if when a GetFeatureInfo request contains two layers, then the response is valid.
Reference WMS 1.3.0 section
Test type Capability Test case getfeatureinfo:three-query_layers
Test case ID getfeatureinfo:three-query_layers
Test purpose Verify that when a GetFeatureInfo request contains three layers, then the response is valid.
Test method Pass if when a GetFeatureInfo request contains three layers, then the response is valid.
Reference WMS 1.3.0 section
Test type Capability Test case getfeatureinfo:less-query_layers
Test case ID getfeatureinfo:less-query_layers
Test purpose Verify that when a GetFeatureInfo request contains fewer layers in the QUERY_LAYERS parameter than it does in the LAYERS parameter, then the response is valid.
Test method Pass if when a GetFeatureInfo request contains fewer layers in the QUERY_LAYERS parameter than it does in the LAYERS parameter, then the response is valid.
Reference WMS 1.3.0 section
Test type Capability Test case getfeatureinfo:invalid-query_layers
Test case ID getfeatureinfo:invalid-query_layers
Test purpose Verify that when a layer requested is not contained in the Capabilities XML of the WMS, then the server issues a Service Exception (code=LayerNotDefined).
Test method Pass if when a layer requested is not contained in the Capabilities XML of the WMS, then the server issues a Service Exception (code=LayerNotDefined).
Reference WMS 1.3.0 section
Test type Capability Test case getfeatureinfo:query_layers-not-queryable
Test case ID getfeatureinfo:query_layers-not-queryable
Test purpose Verify that when GetFeatureInfo is requested on a Layer that is not queryable, then the server issues a Service Exception (code=LayerNotQueryable).
Test method Pass if when GetFeatureInfo is requested on a Layer that is not queryable, then the server issues a Service Exception (code=LayerNotQueryable).
Reference WMS 1.3.0 section; WMS 1.3.0 section
Test type Capability Test case getfeatureinfo:each-queryable-layer
Test case ID getfeatureinfo:each-queryable-layer
Test purpose Verify that for each queryable layer, when the QUERY_LAYERS parameter is set to that layer name, the MIME type of the response is valid.
Test method Pass if for each queryable layer, when the QUERY_LAYERS parameter is set to that layer name, the MIME type of the response is valid.
Reference WMS 1.3.0 section
Test type Capability

1.8 Test module recomendations:main

1.8.1 Test case recomendations:main
Test case ID recomendations:main
Test purpose Verify that if the "Check Recommendations" option was selected, the server supports fuctionality which is recommended in the spec, but not required.
Test method Pass if all the submodules and subtests ( - pass.
Test type Capability
1.8.2 Test case recomendations:service-keywords
Test case ID recomendations:service-keywords
Test purpose Verify that the capabilities document includes a list of keywords or keyword phrases describing the server.
Test method Pass if the capabilities document includes a list of keywords or keyword phrases describing the server.
Reference WMS 1.3.0 section
Test type Capability
1.8.3 Test case recomendations:service-contact-info
Test case ID recomendations:service-contact-info
Test purpose Verify that the capabilities document includes contact information.
Test method Pass if the capabilities document includes contact information.
Reference WMS 1.3.0 section
Test type Capability
1.8.4 Test case recomendations:png-getmap-format
Test case ID recomendations:png-getmap-format
Test purpose Verify that the server advertises the image/png format for the GetMap operation.
Test method Pass if the server advertises the image/png format for the GetMap operation.
Reference WMS 1.3.0 section; WMS 1.3.0 section 6.6
Test type Capability
1.8.5 Test case recomendations:layer-abstracts
Test case ID recomendations:layer-abstracts
Test purpose Verify that each Layer in the capabilities document contains an abstract.
Test method Pass if each Layer in the capabilities document contains an abstract.
Reference WMS 1.3.0 section
Test type Capability
1.8.6 Test case recomendations:layer-keywordlists
Test case ID recomendations:layer-keywordlists
Test purpose Verify that each Layer in the capabilities document contains a keyword list.
Test method Pass if each Layer in the capabilities document contains a keyword list.
Reference WMS 1.3.0 section
Test type Capability
1.8.7 Test case recomendations:layer-crs
Test case ID recomendations:layer-crs
Test purpose Verify that all layers in the capabilities document are available in the CRS:84 and/or EPSG:4326 CRS.
Test method Pass if all layers in the capabilities document are available in the CRS:84 and/or EPSG:4326 CRS.
Reference WMS 1.3.0 section
Test type Capability
1.8.8 Test case recomendations:metadataurls
Test case ID recomendations:metadataurls
Test purpose Verify that every named Layer in the capabilities document contains a MetadataURL element.
Test method Pass if every named Layer in the capabilities document contains a MetadataURL element.
Reference WMS 1.3.0 section
Test type Capability
1.8.9 Test case recomendations:dims-no-whitespace
Test case ID recomendations:dims-no-whitespace
Test purpose Verify that no dimension name values in the capabilities document contain whitespace.
Test method Pass if no dimension name values in the capabilities document contain whitespace.
Reference WMS 1.3.0, Annex C, Section C.2
Test type Capability
1.8.10 Test case recomendations:dims-defaults
Test case ID recomendations:dims-defaults
Test purpose Verify that each dimension declaration in the capabilities document contains a default value.
Test method Pass if each dimension declaration in the capabilities document contains a default value.
Reference WMS 1.3.0, Annex C, Section C.2
Test type Capability

1.9 Test module dims:main

1.9.1 Test case dims:main
Test case ID dims:main
Test purpose Verify that support for dimensional data is correct.
Test method Pass if all the submodules and subtests ( - pass.
Test type Capability

1.9.2 Test module dims:terrain Test case dims:terrain
Test case ID dims:terrain
Test purpose Verify that support for a raster layer that supports the elevation dimension is correct.
Test method Pass if all the submodules and subtests ( - pass.
Test type Capability Test case dims:terrain-low-range
Test case ID dims:terrain-low-range
Test purpose Verify that when elevations in a low range are requested, only the matching pixels are returned.
Test method Request ELEVATION=0/200 and verify that the pixels in the "low spot" are solid and all the other pixels are transparent.
Reference WMS 1.3.0 section C.3.2
Test type Capability Test case dims:terrain-mid-range
Test case ID dims:terrain-mid-range
Test purpose Verify that when elevations in a mid range are requested, only the matching pixels are returned.
Test method Request ELEVATION=200/335 and verify that the pixels in the "low spot" and the "high spot" are transparent and all the other pixels are solid.
Reference WMS 1.3.0 section C.3.2
Test type Capability Test case dims:terrain-high-range
Test case ID dims:terrain-high-range
Test purpose Verify that when elevations in a high range are requested, only the matching pixels are returned.
Test method Request ELEVATION=335/425 and verify that the pixels in the "low spot" are solid and all the other pixels are transparent.
Reference WMS 1.3.0 section C.3.2
Test type Capability Test case dims:terrain-low-and-high-ranges
Test case ID dims:terrain-low-and-high-ranges
Test purpose Verify that when elevations in a low range and a high range are requested, only the matching pixels are returned.
Test method Request ELEVATION=0/200,335/425 and verify that the pixels in the "low spot" and the "high spot" are solid and all the other pixels are transparent.
Reference WMS 1.3.0 section C.3.2
Test type Capability Test case dims:terrain-range-and-value
Test case ID dims:terrain-range-and-value
Test purpose Verify that when elevations in an interval range and at a single value are requested, only the matching pixels are returned.
Test method Request ELEVATION=0/200,250 and verify that all of the pixels in the "low spot" as well as some of the other pixels are not transparent.
Reference WMS 1.3.0 section C.3.2
Test type Capability Test case dims:terrain-value
Test case ID dims:terrain-value
Test purpose Verify that when elevations at a single value are requested, only the matching pixels are returned.
Test method Request ELEVATION=250 and verify that some pixels in the response are not transparent.
Reference WMS 1.3.0 section C.3.2
Test type Capability Test case dims:terrain-invalid
Test case ID dims:terrain-invalid
Test purpose Verify that when an elevation outside of the advertised range is requested, the response is an exception with code=InvalidDimensionValue.
Test method Request ELEVATION=1000 and verify that the service returns an exception with code=InvalidDimensionValue.
Reference WMS 1.3.0 section C.4.1
Test type Capability Test case dims:terrain-default
Test case ID dims:terrain-default
Test purpose Verify that when the elevation parameter is missing but there is a default elevation value, the default value is used and a warning header is set.
Test method Submit a request without an ELEVATION parameter and verify that the response is equivalent to the default value and the "default value used" warning header is returned.
Reference WMS 1.3.0 section C.4.2
Test type Capability Test case dims:terrain-and-other-layer
Test case ID dims:terrain-and-other-layer
Test purpose Verify that when a terrain layer that supports elevation and a layer that does not support elevation are both requested, the response is a map.
Test method Submit a request involving both the Terrain layer and a layer that does not support the ELEVATION dimension and verify that the response is a map.
Reference WMS 1.3.0 section C.3.5
Test type Capability

1.9.3 Test module dims:geometry Test case dims:geometry
Test case ID dims:geometry
Test purpose Verify that support for a geometric layer that supports the elevation dimension is correct.
Test method Pass if all the submodules and subtests ( - pass.
Test type Capability Test case dims:geometry-low
Test case ID dims:geometry-low
Test purpose Verify that when the geometry at a low elevation is requested, the matching pixels are returned.
Test method Request ELEVATION=480 and verify that the response is correct.
Reference WMS 1.3.0 section C.3.2
Test type Capability Test case dims:geometry-med
Test case ID dims:geometry-med
Test purpose Verify that when the geometry at a medium elevation is requested, the matching pixels are returned.
Test method Request ELEVATION=490 and verify that the response is correct.
Reference WMS 1.3.0 section C.3.2
Test type Capability Test case dims:geometry-high
Test case ID dims:geometry-high
Test purpose Verify that when the geometry at a high elevation is requested, the matching pixels are returned.
Test method Request ELEVATION=500 and verify that the response is correct.
Reference WMS 1.3.0 section C.3.2
Test type Capability Test case dims:geometry-multiple-values
Test case ID dims:geometry-multiple-values
Test purpose Verify that when the geometries for a list of elevations are requested and multiple values are not supported, the response is an exception with code=InvalidDimensionValue.
Test method Request ELEVATION=500,480 and verify that the response is an exception with code=InvalidDimensionValue.
Reference WMS 1.3.0 section C.3.4; WMS 1.3.0 section C.4.1
Test type Capability Test case dims:geometry-nearest-value
Test case ID dims:geometry-nearest-value
Test purpose Verify that when a request for the geometry at an unadvertised elevation value is requested and support for nearest values is advertised, the nearest value is used and a warning header is set.
Test method Submit a request with ELEVATION=492 and verify that the response is equivalent to the 490 value and the "nearest value used" warning header is returned.
Reference WMS 1.3.0 section C.4.3
Test type Capability Test case dims:geometry-default-value
Test case ID dims:geometry-default-value
Test purpose Verify that when the elevation parameter is missing but there is a default elevation value, the default value is used and a warning header is set.
Test method Submit a request without an ELEVATION parameter and verify that the response is equivalent to the default value and the "default value used" warning header is returned.
Reference WMS 1.3.0 section C.4.2
Test type Capability Test case dims:geometry-and-other-layer
Test case ID dims:geometry-and-other-layer
Test purpose Verify that when a geometry layer that supports elevation and a layer that does not support elevation are both requested, the response is a map.
Test method Submit a request invloving both the Lakes layer and a layer that does not support the ELEVATION dimension and verify that the response is a map
Reference WMS 1.3.0 section C.3.5
Test type Capability

1.9.4 Test module dims:time Test case dims:time
Test case ID dims:time
Test purpose Verify that support for a layer that supports the time dimension is correct.
Test method Pass if all the submodules and subtests ( - pass.
Test type Capability Test case dims:time-each-instant
Test case ID dims:time-each-instant
Test purpose Verify that for each time instant from 00:00 to 01:00, the appropriate map is returned.
Test method Pass if for each time instant from 00:00 to 01:00, the appropriate map is returned.
Reference WMS 1.3.0 section C.3.2
Test type Capability Test case dims:time-interval
Test case ID dims:time-interval
Test purpose Verify that for a time interval, the appropriate map is returned.
Test method Pass if for a time interval, the appropriate map is returned.
Reference WMS 1.3.0 section C.3.2
Test type Capability Test case dims:time-interval-and-instant
Test case ID dims:time-interval-and-instant
Test purpose Verify that for a time value consiting of a time interval and a time instant, the appropriate map is returned.
Test method Pass if for a time value consiting of a time interval and a time instant, the appropriate map is returned.
Reference WMS 1.3.0 section C.3.2
Test type Capability Test case dims:time-interval-list
Test case ID dims:time-interval-list
Test purpose Verify that for a time value consiting of a list of time intervals, the appropriate map is returned.
Test method Pass if for a time value consiting of a list of time intervals, the appropriate map is returned.
Reference WMS 1.3.0 section C.3.2
Test type Capability Test case dims:time-instant-list
Test case ID dims:time-instant-list
Test purpose Verify that for a time value consiting of a list of time instants, the appropriate map is returned.
Test method Pass if for a time value consiting of a list of time instants, the appropriate map is returned.
Reference WMS 1.3.0 section C.3.2
Test type Capability Test case dims:time-current-instant
Test case ID dims:time-current-instant
Test purpose Verify that if the time dimension supports the current keyword, a request for TIME=current returns a map.
Test method If the dimension decalaration sets the current attribute, submit a request with TIME=current and verify that the service returns a map
Reference WMS 1.3.0 section C.3.2
Test type Capability Test case dims:time-current-interval
Test case ID dims:time-current-interval
Test purpose Verify that if the time dimension supports the current keyword and advertises an interval ending with current, a request for that interval returns a map.
Test method If the dimension decalaration sets the current attribute and advertises an interval ending with current, submit a request with TIME=current and verify that the service returns a map
Reference WMS 1.3.0 section C.3.2
Test type Capability Test case dims:time-default
Test case ID dims:time-default
Test purpose Verify that if the dimension decalaration includes a default value, a request without a TIME parameter returns a map and sets the "default value used" warning header.
Test method If the dimension decalaration includes a default value, submit a request without a TIME parameter and verify that the service returns a map and sets the "default value used" warning header
Reference WMS 1.3.0 section C.4.2
Test type Capability Test case dims:time-and-other-layer
Test case ID dims:time-and-other-layer
Test purpose Verify that when a layer that supports time and other layers that do not support time are requested, the response is a map.
Test method Submit a request involving both the Autos layer and a layer that does not support the TIME dimension and verify that the response is a map
Reference WMS 1.3.0 section C.3.5
Test type Capability
1.9.5 Test case dims:missing-no-default
Test case ID dims:missing-no-default
Test purpose Verify that when a layer that has a dimension without a default value is requested without supplying the dimension parameter, the response is an exception with code=MissingDimensionValue.
Test method Pass if when a layer that has a dimension without a default value is requested without supplying the dimension parameter, the response is an exception with code=MissingDimensionValue.
Reference WMS 1.3.0 section C.4.1
Test type Capability