SPS 2.0 Compliance Test Suite Verifies that an SPS 2.0 implementation complies with the SPS 2.0 specification. docs/sps/2.0/ sps:Main The IUT satisfies all applicable assertions. **************************************************** *Testing started at: * ****************************************************

Compliance Test Suite for Sensor Planning Service (SPS) 2.0

Please provide a URL from which a Capabilities document can be retrieved. Modify the URL template below to specify the location of an OGC SPS 2.0 implementation to be tested.

Service URL:

Please select how tho send request.

HTTP Get HTTP Post SOAP Binding
Executing tests on the SPS implementation found at the following URL: get GetCapabilities post FAILURE: Missing or invalid response entity. true ****************************************************** *Testing completed at: * ******************************************************
All assertions for "ows" conformance are satisfied. Test driver for the ows module. docs/SPS%202.0%20ATS.html#ows ***************************** *Running OWS Common Tests...* ***************************** All assertions for "general" conformance are satisfied. Test driver for the general module. docs/SPS%202.0%20ATS.html#general ****************************** *Running General SPS Tests...* ****************************** ********************************************************************** Sending a request that is non-conformant to a schema associated with an SPS operation causes the server to return a valid error report message with an exceptionCode value of InvalidRequest. Send several test documents that are invalid according to the schemas associated with some of the SPS operations (i.e. the mandatory operations). Pass if the service returns a valid exception message with an exceptionCode value of InvalidRequest; fail otherwise. docs/SPS%202.0%20ATS.html#SPS.General-InvalidRequest Issuing an invalid request to: Skip "InvalidRequest" Exception Test because CTL cannot send InvalidRequest body with soap-binding. post FAILURE: The server did not return a response to an invalid request, or the response from the server was not a valid exception report. The response from the server was: "" The response was: Checking the validity of the response to an invalid request. The validity check returned: FAILURE: The response to an invalid request was expected to be an exception report with an exceptionCode of "InvalidRequest" and a locator value containing the validation issue. The returned exception report was: "" A response is a valid response for the SPS. This general assertion should be tested by all other tests. Tested through other tests. docs/SPS%202.0%20ATS.html#SPS.General-ValidResponse This general assertion is tested by all other tests, so there is nothing specific to test now. All assertions for "core" conformance are satisfied. Test driver for the core module. docs/SPS%202.0%20ATS.html#core Issuing a valid GetCapabilities request to get GetCapabilities SPS post The server responded to a valid GetCapabilities request with the following message: FAILURE: The server did not return a response to a valid GetCapabilities request, or the response was not a valid SPS Capabilities document. Execute GetCapabilities Test. Pass if all the subtest not fail; fail otherwise. docs/SPS%202.0%20ATS.html#SPS.GetCapabilities *********************************************** *Running SPS specific GetCapabilities tests...* *********************************************** ********************************************************************** ********************************************************************** ********************************************************************** ********************************************************************** ********************************************************************** ********************************************************************** ********************************************************************** ********************************************************************** The server returns a valid error report message with an exception code of MissingParameterValue when mandatory parameters are missing from the request. Pass if the exception report is valid and the exceptionCode parameter contains MissingParameterValue; fail otherwise. docs/SPS%202.0%20ATS.html#SPS.GetCapabilities-KVPRequestParameterHandling get The server returned the following response: {$requestNoRequest} FAILURE: The server did not return responses to the GetCapabilities requests in this test, or the responses to these requests were not valid exceptions. The response was: Checking the validity of the response to a GetCapabilities request with no request parameter. The validity check returned: FAILURE: The server did not return the expected exception report response to a GetCapabilities request with no request parameter specified. The response was expected to be an ExceptionReport with an exceptionCode of "MissingParameterValue" and a locator of "REQUEST". "" was returned instead. The server returns a valid error report message with an exception code of InvalidParameterValue when the service key value is not SPS. Pass if the exception report is valid and the exceptionCode parameter contains InvalidParameterValue; fail otherwise. docs/SPS%202.0%20ATS.html#SPS.GetCapabilities-KVPRequestServiceParameterHandling Issuing a GetCapabilities request with an invalid service value of "" get GetCapabilities post The server returned the following response: FAILURE: The server did not return or a response, or the response was not a valid exception report. The response was: The response was: Checking the validity of the response to a GetCapabilities request with an invalid service value. The validity check returned: FAILURE: The response to a GetCapabilities request with an invalid service parameter () does not match the expected response. The response was expected to be an ExceptionReport with an exceptionCode of "InvalidParameterValue" and a locator value of "SERVICE". The server returns a valid error report message with an exception code of InvalidParameterValue or OperationNotSupported when the request key value is not GetCapabilities. Pass if the exception report is valid and the exceptionCode parameter contains InvalidParameterValue or OperationNotSupported; fail otherwise. docs/SPS%202.0%20ATS.html#SPS.GetCapabilities-KVPRequestRequestParameterHandling Issuing a GetCapabilities request with an invalid request value of "" get SPS 2.0.0 post The server returned the following response: FAILURE: The server did not return or a response, or the response was not a valid exception report. The response was: The response was: Checking the validity of the response to a GetCapabilities request with an invalid request value. The validity check returned: FAILURE: The response to a GetCapabilities request with an invalid request parameter () does not match the expected response. The response was expected to be an ExceptionReport with an exceptionCode of "InvalidParameterValue" or "OperationNotSupported". The OperationsMetadata section lists the mandatory operations of the SPS. Pass if the service lists the GetCapabilities, DescribeSensor, DescribeTasking, Submit, GetStatus, GetTask and DescribeResultAccess operations with the proper bindings in the OperationsMetadata section; fail otherwise. docs/SPS%202.0%20ATS.html#SPS.GetCapabilities-ResponseOperationMetadataMandatoryOperations $getCapabilitiesResponse: Checking for a GetCapabilities operation... FAILURE: The GetCapabilities operation is a mandatory operation. Therefore, it must be listed in the OperationsMetadata section of the GetCapabilities document. Checking for a DescribeSensor operation... FAILURE: The DescribeSensor operation is a mandatory operation. Therefore, it must be listed in the OperationsMetadata section of the GetCapabilities document. FAILURE: The DescribeSensor operation is a mandatory operation. Therefore, a URL must be supplied for the HTTP POST binding for this operation. No URL was supplied for this binding. Checking for a DescribeTasking operation... FAILURE: The DescribeTasking operation is a mandatory operation. Therefore, it must be listed in the OperationsMetadata section of the GetCapabilities document. FAILURE: The DescribeTasking operation is a mandatory operation. Therefore, a URL must be supplied for the HTTP POST binding for this operation. No URL was supplied for this binding. Checking for a Submit operation... FAILURE: The Submit operation is a mandatory operation. Therefore, it must be listed in the OperationsMetadata section of the GetCapabilities document. FAILURE: The Submit operation is a mandatory operation. Therefore, a URL must be supplied for the HTTP POST binding for this operation. No URL was supplied for this binding. Checking for a GetStatus operation... FAILURE: The GetStatus operation is a mandatory operation. Therefore, it must be listed in the OperationsMetadata section of the GetCapabilities document. FAILURE: The GetStatus operation is a mandatory operation. Therefore, a URL must be supplied for the HTTP POST binding for this operation. No URL was supplied for this binding. Checking for a GetTask operation... FAILURE: The GetTask operation is a mandatory operation. Therefore, it must be listed in the OperationsMetadata section of the GetCapabilities document. FAILURE: The GetTask operation is a mandatory operation. Therefore, a URL must be supplied for the HTTP POST binding for this operation. No URL was supplied for this binding. Checking for a DescribeResultAccess operation... FAILURE: The DescribeResultAccess operation is a mandatory operation. Therefore, it must be listed in the OperationsMetadata section of the GetCapabilities document. FAILURE: The DescribeResultAccess operation is a mandatory operation. Therefore, a URL must be supplied for the HTTP POST binding for this operation. No URL was supplied for this binding. Any non-mandatory operations advertised in the OperationsMetadata section have valid SPS method names. Pass if the service lists operations in addition to the mandatory operations, and each of the advertised operations has a valid SPS operation name; fail otherwise. docs/SPS%202.0%20ATS.html#SPS.GetCapabilities-ResponseOperationMetadataOptionalOperations GetCapabilities DescribeSensor DescribeTasking Submit GetStatus GetTask DescribeResultAccess Reserve Confirm GetFeasibility Update Cancel UpdateSensorDescription Verifying that the provided operations have valid SPS operation names. Checking "" for validity. FAILURE: The "" operation is not listed in the SPS specification. is a valid SPS operation name. There must be a minStatusTime in SPSContect tag, and there are one or more supportedEncoding which value is designated . Pass if 1.SPSContent has just one sub-element "minStatusTime" 2.SPSContent has one or more sub-element "supportedEncoding" 3.sub-element "supportedEncoding" have only three Specified choice. FAILURE: There can be only one minStatusTime element. FAILURE: At least one supportedEncoding element in SPSContent. http://www.opengis.net/swe/2.0/TextEncoding http://www.opengis.net/swe/2.0/XMLEncoding http://www.opengis.net/swe/2.0/BinaryEncoding FAILURE: The value of supportedEncoding "" is not allow. Each SensorOffering sub-element (procedure, procedureDescriptionFormat, observableProperty, and observableArea) has a value. There are one byPoint or one byPolygon in observableArea. Pass if each sub-element of a SensorOffering element has a value; fail otherwise. docs/SPS%202.0%20ATS.html#SPS.GetCapabilities-ResponseContentsSensorOfferings true true FAILURE: The procedureDescriptionFormat value for SensorOffering is null. FAILURE: The procedureDescriptionFormat value for SensorOffering is null. FAILURE: The AreaOfService value for SensorOffering is null. FAILURE: The observableArea value for SensorOffering is null. Checking observableArea value for validity... FAILURE: There are at least one PointOrPolygon in observableArea. "sps:byPoint" or "sps:byPolygon" choose one. FAILURE: The PointOrPolygon in observableArea can only have one. "sps:byPoint" or "sps:byPolygon" choose one. OK: The validity of SensorOffering in contents is ok. Send a request without parameter "service",and the response must be a valid exception with code "MissingParameterValue" and locator "service". Pass if the server returns a valid exception message with an exceptionCode "MissingParameterValue" and locator is "service"; fail otherwise. post post FAILURE: The server did not return a response, or the response was not valid according to the GetCapabilities response schema for "SPS" />. The root of response "" doesn't match the expected root "". Send a request with null parameter "service",and the response must be a valid exception with code "MissingParameterValue" and locator "service". Pass if the server returns a valid exception message with an exceptionCode "MissingParameterValue" and locator is "service"; fail otherwise. post post FAILURE: The server did not return a response, or the response was not valid according to the GetCapabilities response schema for "SPS" />. The response was: The response was: Checking the validity of the response to a GetCapabilities request with null service parameter. The validity check returned: FAILURE: The server did not return the expected exception report response to a GetCapabilities request with null service parameter specified. The response was expected to be an ExceptionReport with an exceptionCode of "MissingParameterValue" and a locator of "service". Send a request with invalid parameter "service",and the response must be a valid exception with code "InvalidParameterValue" and locator "service". Pass if the server returns a valid exception message with an exceptionCode "InvalidParameterValue" and locator is "service"; fail otherwise. post post FAILURE: The server did not return a response, or the response was not valid according to the GetCapabilities response schema for "SPS" />. The response was: The response was: Checking the validity of the response to a GetCapabilities request with invalid service parameter. The validity check returned: FAILURE: The server did not return the expected exception report response to a GetCapabilities request with invalid service parameter specified. The response was expected to be an ExceptionReport with an exceptionCode of "InvalidParameterValue" and a locator of "service". Send a request without parameter "acceptVersions",and the response must be a valid exception with code "MissingParameterValue" and locator "acceptVersions". Pass if the server returns a valid exception message with an exceptionCode "MissingParameterValue" and locator is "acceptVersions"; fail otherwise. post post FAILURE: The server did not return a response, or the response was not valid according to the GetCapabilities response schema for "SPS" />. The root of response "" doesn't match the expected root "". Send a request with null element "acceptVersions",and the response must be a valid exception with code "MissingParameterValue" and locator "acceptVersions". Pass if the server returns a valid exception message with an exceptionCode "MissingParameterValue" and locator is "acceptVersions"; fail otherwise. post post FAILURE: The server did not return a response, or the response was not valid according to the GetCapabilities response schema for "SPS" />. The response was: The response was: Checking the validity of the response to a GetCapabilities request with invalid acceptVersions parameter. The validity check returned: FAILURE: The server did not return the expected exception report response to a GetCapabilities request with null acceptVersions parameter specified. The response was expected to be an ExceptionReport with an exceptionCode of "MissingParameterValue" and a locator of "acceptVersions". Send a request with invalid parameter "acceptVersions",and the response must be a valid exception with code "VersionNegotiationFailed" and omit the locator parameter. Pass if the server returns a valid exception message with an exceptionCode "VersionNegotiationFailed" and no locator parameter; fail otherwise. 999.999.999 post 999.999.999 FAILURE: The server did not return a response, or the response was not valid according to the GetCapabilities response schema for "SPS" />. The response was: The response was: Checking the validity of the response to a GetCapabilities request with invalid acceptVersions parameter. The validity check returned: FAILURE: The server did not return the expected exception report response to a GetCapabilities request with invalid acceptVersions parameter specified. The response was expected to be an ExceptionReport with an exceptionCode of "VersionNegotiationFailed" and omit the locator parameter. Send a valid request ,and the response must be a valid Capabilities response. Pass if the server returns a valid Capabilities response; fail otherwise. 2.0.0 post 2.0.0 FAILURE: The server did not return a response, or the response was not valid according to the GetCapabilities response schema for "SPS". The root of response "" doesn't match the expected root "". Execute DescribeSensor Test. Pass if all the subtest not fail; fail otherwise. docs/SPS%202.0%20ATS.html#SPS.DescribeSensor DescribeSensor URL: ********************************* *Running DescribeSensor tests...* ********************************* ********************************************************************** ********************************************************************** ********************************************************************** ********************************************************************** ********************************************************************** ********************************************************************** ********************************************************************** ********************************************************************** ********************************************************************** ********************************************************************** ********************************************************************** ********************************************************************** ********************************************************************** Send a request (POST and SOAP) without parameter "service",and the response must be a valid exception with code "InvalidRequest" and locator "Expected attribute: service in element DescribeSensor@http://www.opengis.net/swes/2.0". Pass if the server (POST and SOAP) returns a valid exception message with an exceptionCode "InvalidRequest" and locator is "Expected attribute: service in element DescribeSensor@http://www.opengis.net/swes/2.0"; fail otherwise. post FAILURE: The server did not return a response, or the response was not valid according to the DescribeSensor response schema for "SPS" />. The response was: The response was: Checking the validity of the response to a DescribeSensor request with no service parameter. The validity check returned: FAILURE: The server did not return the expected exception report response to a DescribeSensor request with no service parameter specified. The response was expected to be an ExceptionReport with an exceptionCode of "InvalidRequest" and a locator of "Expected attribute: service in element DescribeSensor@http://www.opengis.net/swes/2.0". Send a request with null parameter "service",and the response must be a valid exception with code "MissingParameterValue" and locator "service". Pass if the server returns a valid exception message with an exceptionCode "MissingParameterValue" and locator is "service"; fail otherwise. docs/SPS%202.0%20ATS.html#SPS.DescribeSensor-RequestNullService post FAILURE: The server did not return a response, or the response was not valid according to the DescribeSensor response schema for "SPS" />. The response was: The response was: Checking the validity of the response to a DescribeSensor request with invalid service parameter. The validity check returned: FAILURE: The server did not return the expected exception report response to a DescribeSensor request with null service parameter specified. The response was expected to be an ExceptionReport with an exceptionCode of "MissingParameterValue" and a locator of "service". Send a request with invalid parameter "service",and the response must be a valid exception with code "InvalidParameterValue" and locator "service". Pass if the server returns a valid exception message with an exceptionCode "InvalidParameterValue" and locator is "service"; fail otherwise. docs/SPS%202.0%20ATS.html#SPS.DescribeSensor-RequestInvalidService post FAILURE: The server did not return a response, or the response was not valid according to the DescribeSensor response schema for "SPS" />. The response was: The response was: Checking the validity of the response to a DescribeSensor request with invalid service parameter. The validity check returned: FAILURE: The server did not return the expected exception report response to a DescribeSensor request with invalid service parameter specified. The response was expected to be an ExceptionReport with an exceptionCode of "InvalidParameterValue" and a locator of "service". Send a request (POST and SOAP) without parameter "version",and the response must be a valid exception with code "InvalidRequest" and locator "Expected attribute: version in element DescribeSensor@http://www.opengis.net/swes/2.0". Pass if the server (POST and SOAP) returns a valid exception message with an exceptionCode "InvalidRequest" and locator is "Expected attribute: version in element DescribeSensor@http://www.opengis.net/swes/2.0"; fail otherwise. docs/SPS%202.0%20ATS.html#SPS.DescribeSensor-RequestNoVersion post FAILURE: The server did not return a response, or the response was not valid according to the DescribeSensor response schema for "SPS" />. The response was: The response was: Checking the validity of the response to a DescribeSensor request with no version parameter. The validity check returned: FAILURE: The server did not return the expected exception report response to a DescribeSensor request with no version parameter specified. The response was expected to be an ExceptionReport with an exceptionCode of "InvalidRequest" and a locator of "Expected attribute: version in element DescribeSensor@http://www.opengis.net/swes/2.0". Send a request with null parameter "version",and the response must be a valid exception with code "MissingParameterValue" and locator "version". Pass if the server returns a valid exception message with an exceptionCode "MissingParameterValue" and locator is "version"; fail otherwise. docs/SPS%202.0%20ATS.html#SPS.DescribeSensor-RequestNullVersion post FAILURE: The server did not return a response, or the response was not valid according to the DescribeSensor response schema for "SPS" />. The response was: The response was: Checking the validity of the response to a DescribeSensor request with invalid version parameter. The validity check returned: FAILURE: The server did not return the expected exception report response to a DescribeSensor request with null version parameter specified. The response was expected to be an ExceptionReport with an exceptionCode of "MissingParameterValue" and a locator of "version". Send a request with invalid parameter "version",and the response must be a valid exception with code "InvalidParameterValue" and locator "version". Pass if the server returns a valid exception message with an exceptionCode "InvalidParameterValue" and locator is "version"; fail otherwise. docs/SPS%202.0%20ATS.html#SPS.DescribeSensor-RequestInvalidVersion post FAILURE: The server did not return a response, or the response was not valid according to the DescribeSensor response schema for "SPS" />. The response was: The response was: Checking the validity of the response to a DescribeSensor request with invalid version parameter. The validity check returned: FAILURE: The server did not return the expected exception report response to a DescribeSensor request with invalid version parameter specified. The response was expected to be an ExceptionReport with an exceptionCode of "InvalidParameterValue" and a locator of "version". Send a request without parameter "procedure",and the response must be a valid exception with code "InvalidRequest" and locator "procedure". Pass if the server returns a valid exception message with an exceptionCode "InvalidRequest" and locator is "procedure"; fail otherwise. docs/SPS%202.0%20ATS.html#SPS.DescribeSensor-RequestNoProcedure post FAILURE: The server did not return a response, or the response was not valid according to the DescribeSensor response schema for "SPS" />. The response was: The response was: Checking the validity of the response to a DescribeSensor request with no procedure parameter. The validity check returned: FAILURE: The server did not return the expected exception report response to a DescribeSensor request with no procedure parameter specified. The response was expected to be an ExceptionReport with an exceptionCode of "InvalidRequest" and a locator of "procedure". Send a request with null parameter "procedure",and the response must be a valid exception with code "MissingParameterValue" and locator "procedure". Pass if the server returns a valid exception message with an exceptionCode "MissingParameterValue" and locator is "procedure"; fail otherwise. docs/SPS%202.0%20ATS.html#SPS.DescribeSensor-RequestNullProcedure post FAILURE: The server did not return a response, or the response was not valid according to the DescribeSensor response schema for "SPS" />. The response was: The response was: Checking the validity of the response to a DescribeSensor request with invalid procedure parameter. The validity check returned: FAILURE: The server did not return the expected exception report response to a DescribeSensor request with null procedure parameter specified. The response was expected to be an ExceptionReport with an exceptionCode of "MissingParameterValue" and a locator of "procedure". Send a request with invalid parameter "procedure",and the response must be a valid exception with code "InvalidParameterValue" and locator "procedure". Pass if the server returns a valid exception message with an exceptionCode "InvalidParameterValue" and locator is "procedure"; fail otherwise. docs/SPS%202.0%20ATS.html#SPS.DescribeSensor-RequestInvalidprocedure " /> post FAILURE: The server did not return a response, or the response was not valid according to the DescribeSensor response schema for "SPS" />. The response was: The response was: Checking the validity of the response to a DescribeSensor request with invalid procedure parameter. The validity check returned: FAILURE: The server did not return the expected exception report response to a DescribeSensor request with invalid procedure parameter specified. The response was expected to be an ExceptionReport with an exceptionCode of "InvalidParameterValue" and a locator of "procedure". Send a request without parameter "ProcedureDescriptionFormat",and the response must be a valid exception with code "InvalidRequest " and locator "ProcedureDescriptionFormat". Pass if the server returns a valid exception message with an exceptionCode "InvalidRequest " and locator is "ProcedureDescriptionFormat"; fail otherwise. docs/SPS%202.0%20ATS.html#SPS.DescribeSensor-RequestNoProcedureDescriptionFormat post FAILURE: The server did not return a response, or the response was not valid according to the DescribeSensor response schema for "SPS" />. The response was: The response was: Checking the validity of the response to a DescribeSensor request with no procedureDescriptionFormat parameter. The validity check returned: FAILURE: The server did not return the expected exception report response to a DescribeSensor request with no procedureDescriptionFormat parameter specified. The response was expected to be an ExceptionReport with an exceptionCode of "InvalidRequest " and a locator of "procedureDescriptionFormat". Send a request with null parameter "ProcedureDescriptionFormat",and the response must be a valid exception with code "MissingParameterValue" and locator "ProcedureDescriptionFormat". Pass if the server returns a valid exception message with an exceptionCode "MissingParameterValue" and locator is "ProcedureDescriptionFormat"; fail otherwise. docs/SPS%202.0%20ATS.html#SPS.DescribeSensor-RequestNullProcedureDescriptionFormat post FAILURE: The server did not return a response, or the response was not valid according to the DescribeSensor response schema for "SPS" />. The response was: The response was: Checking the validity of the response to a DescribeSensor request with invalid procedureDescriptionFormat parameter. The validity check returned: FAILURE: The server did not return the expected exception report response to a DescribeSensor request with null ProcedureDescriptionFormat parameter specified. The response was expected to be an ExceptionReport with an exceptionCode of "MissingParameterValue" and a locator of "procedureDescriptionFormat". Send a request with invalid parameter "ProcedureDescriptionFormat",and the response must be a valid exception with code "InvalidParameterValue" and locator "ProcedureDescriptionFormat". Pass if the server returns a valid exception message with an exceptionCode "InvalidParameterValue" and locator is "ProcedureDescriptionFormat"; fail otherwise. docs/SPS%202.0%20ATS.html#SPS.DescribeSensor-RequestInvalidProcedureDescriptionFormat post FAILURE: The server did not return a response, or the response was not valid according to the DescribeSensor response schema for "SPS" />. The response was: The response was: Checking the validity of the response to a DescribeSensor request with invalid procedureDescriptionFormat parameter. The validity check returned: FAILURE: The server did not return the expected exception report response to a DescribeSensor request with invalid procedureDescriptionFormat parameter specified. The response was expected to be an ExceptionReport with an exceptionCode of "InvalidParameterValue" and a locator of "procedureDescriptionFormat". Send a request with invalid parameter "validTime" value "123",and the response must be a valid exception with code "InvalidRequest" and locator "validTime". Pass if the server returns a valid exception message with an exceptionCode "InvalidRequest" and locator is "validTime"; fail otherwise. docs/SPS%202.0%20ATS.html#SPS.DescribeSensor-RequestInvalidvalidTime post FAILURE: The server did not return a response, or the response was not valid according to the DescribeSensor response schema for "SPS" />. The response was: The response was: Checking the validity of the response to a DescribeSensor request with invalid validTime parameter. The validity check returned: FAILURE: The server did not return the expected exception report response to a DescribeSensor request with invalid validTime parameter specified. The response was expected to be an ExceptionReport with an exceptionCode of "InvalidRequest" and a locator of "validTime". Send a valid request ,and there must be have a valid DescribeSensor response returned. Pass if the DescribeSensor responses for all procedures listed in GetCapabilities response are valid; fail otherwise. docs/SPS%202.0%20ATS.html#SPS.DescribeSensor-RequestValidRequest post FAILURE: The server did not return a response, or the response was not valid according to the DescribeSensor response schema for "SPS" />. The root element from the response to a DescribeSensor request "" does not match the expected root element of "" The procedureDescriptionFormat from the response to a DescribeSensor request :"does not match the procedureDescriptionFormat :"" in the DescribeSensor request. procedure:"" check ok! Execute DescribeTasking Test. Pass if all the subtest not fail; fail otherwise. docs/SPS%202.0%20ATS.html#SPS.DescribeTasking DescribeTasking URL: ********************************** *Running DescribeTasking tests...* ********************************** ********************************************************************** ********************************************************************** ********************************************************************** ********************************************************************** ********************************************************************** ********************************************************************** ********************************************************************** ********************************************************************** Send a request (POST and SOAP) without parameter "service",and the response must be a valid exception with code "InvalidRequest" and locator "Expected attribute: service in element DescribeTasking@http://www.opengis.net/sps/2.0". Pass if the server (POST and SOAP) returns a valid exception message with an exceptionCode "InvalidRequest" and locator is "Expected attribute: service in element DescribeTasking@http://www.opengis.net/sps/2.0"; fail otherwise. Sending a DescribeTasking request without service parameter... post FAILURE: The server did not return a response to an invalid DescribeTasking request or the response was not a valid exception. The response was: The response was: Checking the response for validity... The validity check returned: FAILURE: The server did not return the expected exception report response to a DescribeTasking request with no service parameter specified. The response was expected to be an ExceptionReport with an exceptionCode of "InvalidRequest" and a locator of "Expected attribute: service in element DescribeTasking@http://www.opengis.net/sps/2.0". The server returns a valid error report message with a value of MissingParameterValue for the exceptionCode parameter when null service value is supplied in the request. Pass if the server returns a valid error report message with an exceptionCode parameter of MissingParameterValue and a locator of service; fail otherwise. Sending a DescribeTasking request with null service parameter... post FAILURE: The server did not return a response to an invalid DescribeTasking request or the response was not a valid exception. The response was: The response was: Checking the response for validity... The validity check returned: FAILURE: The returned exception report was expected to contain an exceptionCode of MissingParameterValue and a locator of service. The server returns a valid error report message with a value of InvalidParameterValue for the exceptionCode parameter when Invalid service value is supplied in the request. Pass if the server returns a valid error report message with an exceptionCode parameter of InvalidParameterValue; fail otherwise. Sending a DescribeTasking request with Invalid service parameter... post FAILURE: The server did not return a response to an invalid DescribeTasking request or the response was not a valid exception. The response was: The response was: Checking the response for validity... The validity check returned: FAILURE: The returned exception report was expected to contain an exceptionCode of InvalidParameterValue and a locator of service. Send a request (POST and SOAP) without parameter "version",and the response must be a valid exception with code "InvalidRequest" and locator "Expected attribute: version in element DescribeTasking@http://www.opengis.net/sps/2.0". Pass if the server (POST and SOAP) returns a valid exception message with an exceptionCode "InvalidRequest" and locator is "Expected attribute: version in element DescribeTasking@http://www.opengis.net/sps/2.0"; fail otherwise. Sending a DescribeTasking request with a null sensorID... post FAILURE: The server did not return a response to an invalid DescribeTasking request or the response was not a valid exception. The response was: The response was: Checking the response for validity... The validity check returned: FAILURE: The server did not return the expected exception report response to a DescribeTasking request with no version parameter specified. The response was expected to be an ExceptionReport with an exceptionCode of "InvalidRequest" and a locator of "Expected attribute: version in element DescribeTasking@http://www.opengis.net/sps/2.0". The server returns a valid error report message with a value of MissingParameterValue for the exceptionCode parameter when null version value is supplied in the request. Pass if the server returns a valid error report message with an exceptionCode parameter of MissingParameterValue; fail otherwise. Sending a DescribeTasking request without version parameter... post FAILURE: The server did not return a response to an invalid DescribeTasking request or the response was not a valid exception. The response was: The response was: Checking the response for validity... The validity check returned: FAILURE: The returned exception report was expected to contain an exceptionCode of MissingParameterValue and a locator of version. The server returns a valid error report message with a value of InvalidParameterValue for the exceptionCode parameter when Invalid version value is supplied in the request. Pass if the server returns a valid error report message with an exceptionCode parameter of InvalidParameterValue; fail otherwise. Sending a DescribeTasking request with a Invalid version... post FAILURE: The server did not return a response to an invalid DescribeTasking request or the response was not a valid exception. The response was: The response was: Checking the response for validity... The validity check returned: FAILURE: The returned exception report was expected to contain an exceptionCode of InvalidParameterValue and a locator of version. The server returns a valid error report message with a value of InvalidRequest for the exceptionCode parameter when no procedure value is supplied in the request. Pass if the server returns a valid error report message with an exceptionCode parameter of InvalidRequest; fail otherwise. Sending a DescribeTasking request without procedure parameter... post FAILURE: The server did not return a response to an invalid DescribeTasking request or the response was not a valid exception. The response was: The response was: Checking the response for validity... The validity check returned: FAILURE: The returned exception report was expected to contain an exceptionCode of InvalidRequest and a locator of procedure. The server returns a valid error report message with a value of MissingParameterValue for the exceptionCode parameter when Invalid procedure value is supplied in the request. Pass if the server returns a valid error report message with an exceptionCode parameter of MissingParameterValue; fail otherwise. Sending a DescribeTasking request with a null procedure... post FAILURE: The server did not return a response to an invalid DescribeTasking request or the response was not a valid exception. The response was: The response was: Checking the response for validity... The validity check returned: FAILURE: The returned exception report was expected to contain an exceptionCode of MissingParameterValue and a locator of procedure. The server returns a valid error report message with a value of InvalidParameterValue for the exceptionCode parameter when Invalid procedure value is supplied in the request. Pass if the server returns a valid error report message with an exceptionCode parameter of InvalidParameterValue; fail otherwise. Sending a DescribeTasking request with a Invalid procedure... post FAILURE: The server did not return a response to an invalid DescribeTasking request or the response was not a valid exception. The response was: The response was: Checking the response for validity... The validity check returned: FAILURE: The returned exception report was expected to contain an exceptionCode of InvalidParameterValue and a locator of procedure. The response to a DescribeTasking request is valid. Pass if there is a valid xml schema response and the root element is "sps:DescribeTaskingResponse" and there is a not-empty-value sub-element "taskingParameters" ; fail otherwise. Sending DescribeTasking request with procedure "" post FAILURE: No response was returned from the server for a DescribeTasking request with procedure "", or the response did not validate according to the DescribeTasking schema. ********************************************************************** FAILURE: The root element from the response to a Describetasking request "" does not match the expected root element of "DescribeTaskingResponse". Checking the elements of the DescribeTasking response... FAILURE: There must be one and only one taskingParameters element in the response to a Describetasking request. FAILURE: There must have value in the taskingParameters element. DescribeTasking Check OK! Execute Submit Test. Pass if all the subtest not fail; fail otherwise. DescribeTasking URL: post Submit URL: ************************* *Running Submit tests...* ************************* Send a request (POST and SOAP) without parameter "service",and the response must be a valid exception with code "InvalidRequest" and locator "Expected attribute: service in element Submit@http://www.opengis.net/sps/2.0". Pass if the server (POST and SOAP) returns a valid exception message with an exceptionCode "InvalidRequest" and locator is "Expected attribute: service in element Submit@http://www.opengis.net/sps/2.0"; fail otherwise. post FAILURE: The server did not return a response to an invalid Submit request or the response was not a valid exception. The response was: The response was: Checking the response for validity... The validity check returned: FAILURE: The server did not return the expected exception report response to a Submit request with no service parameter specified. The response was expected to be an ExceptionReport with an exceptionCode of "InvalidRequest" and a locator of "Expected attribute: service in element Submit@http://www.opengis.net/sps/2.0". The server returns a valid error report message with a value of MissingParameterValue for the exceptionCode parameter when null service value is supplied in the request. Pass if the server return a valid Exception response; fail otherwise. post FAILURE: The server did not return a response to an invalid Submit request or the response was not a valid exception. The response was: The response was: Checking the response for validity... The validity check returned: FAILURE: The returned exception report was expected to contain an exceptionCode of MissingParameterValue and a locator of service. The server returns a valid error report message with a value of InvalidParameterValue for the exceptionCode parameter when invalid service value is supplied in the request. Pass if the server return a valid Exception response; fail otherwise. post FAILURE: The server did not return a response to an invalid Submit request or the response was not a valid exception. The response was: The response was: Checking the response for validity... The validity check returned: FAILURE: The returned exception report was expected to contain an exceptionCode of InvalidParameterValue and a locator of service Send a request (POST and SOAP) without parameter "version",and the response must be a valid exception with code "InvalidRequest" and locator "Expected attribute: version in element Submit@http://www.opengis.net/sps/2.0". Pass if the server (POST and SOAP) returns a valid exception message with an exceptionCode "InvalidRequest" and locator is "Expected attribute: version in element Submit@http://www.opengis.net/sps/2.0"; fail otherwise. post FAILURE: The server did not return a response to an invalid Submit request or the response was not a valid exception. The response was: The response was: Checking the response for validity... The validity check returned: FAILURE: The server did not return the expected exception report response to a Submit request with no version parameter specified. The response was expected to be an ExceptionReport with an exceptionCode of "InvalidRequest" and a locator of "Expected attribute: version in element Submit@http://www.opengis.net/sps/2.0". The server returns a valid error report message with a value of MissingParameterValue for the exceptionCode parameter when invalid procedure value is supplied in the request. Pass if the server return a valid Exception response; fail otherwise. post FAILURE: The server did not return a response to an invalid Submit request or the response was not a valid exception. The response was: The response was: Checking the response for validity... The validity check returned: FAILURE: The returned exception report was expected to contain an exceptionCode of MissingParameterValue and a locator of procedure. The server returns a valid error report message with a value of InvalidParameterValue for the exceptionCode parameter when invalid procedure value is supplied in the request. Pass if the server return a valid Exception response; fail otherwise. post FAILURE: The server did not return a response to an invalid Submit request or the response was not a valid exception. The response was: The response was: Checking the response for validity... The validity check returned: FAILURE: The returned exception report was expected to contain an exceptionCode of InvalidParameterValue and a locator of procedure. The server returns a valid error report message with a value of InvalidRequest for the exceptionCode parameter when no procedure value is supplied in the request. Pass if the server return a valid Exception response; fail otherwise. post FAILURE: The server did not return a response to an invalid Submit request or the response was not a valid exception. The response was: The response was: Checking the response for validity... The validity check returned: FAILURE: The returned exception report was expected to contain an exceptionCode of InvalidRequest and a locator of procedure. The server returns a valid error report message with a value of MissingParameterValue for the exceptionCode parameter when invalid procedure value is supplied in the request. Pass if the server return a valid Exception response; fail otherwise. post FAILURE: The server did not return a response to an invalid Submit request or the response was not a valid exception. The response was: The response was: Checking the response for validity... The validity check returned: FAILURE: The returned exception report was expected to contain an exceptionCode of MissingParameterValue and a locator of procedure. The server returns a valid error report message with a value of InvalidParameterValue for the exceptionCode parameter when invalid procedure value is supplied in the request. Pass if the server return a valid Exception response; fail otherwise. post FAILURE: The server did not return a response to an invalid Submit request or the response was not a valid exception. The response was: The response was: Checking the response for validity... The validity check returned: FAILURE: The returned exception report was expected to contain an exceptionCode of InvalidParameterValue and a locator of procedure. The server returns a valid error report message with a value of InvalidRequest for the exceptionCode parameter when no TaskingParameters value is supplied in the request. Pass if the server return a valid Exception response; fail otherwise. post FAILURE: The server did not return a response to an invalid Submit request or the response was not a valid exception. The response was: The response was: Checking the response for validity... The validity check returned: FAILURE: The returned exception report was expected to contain an exceptionCode of InvalidRequest and a locator of TaskingParameters. The server returns a valid error report message with a value of MissingParameterValue for the exceptionCode parameter when invalid taskingParameters value is supplied in the request. Pass if the server return a valid Exception response; fail otherwise. post FAILURE: The server did not return a response to an invalid Submit request or the response was not a valid exception. The response was: The response was: Checking the response for validity... The validity check returned: FAILURE: The returned exception report was expected to contain an exceptionCode of MissingParameterValue and a locator of taskingParameters. The server returns a valid error report message with a value of InvalidParameterValue for the exceptionCode parameter when invalid taskingParameters value is supplied in the request. Pass if the server return a valid Exception response; fail otherwise. post FAILURE: The server did not return a response to an invalid Submit request or the response was not a valid exception. The response was: The response was: Checking the response for validity... The validity check returned: FAILURE: The returned exception report was expected to contain an exceptionCode of InvalidParameterValue and a locator of taskingParameters. All Submit request with valid parameters have correct response. Pass if all Submit response are correct; fail otherwise. Sending DescribeTasking request with procedure "" post FAILURE: No response was returned from the server for a DescribeTasking request with procedure "", or the response did not validate according to the DescribeTasking schema. Sending Submit request with Submit_URL "" Sending Submit request with procedure "" Sending Submit request with TaskingParameters "" post FAILURE: No response was returned from the server for a Submit request with procedure "", or the response did not validate according to the Submit schema. FAILURE: The root element from the response to a Submit request "" does not match the expected root element of "SubmitResponse". FAILURE: There must be one and only one "task" element in the submit response. FAILURE: There must be one and only one "procedure" element in the submit response. FAILURE: The value of the element procedure in the Submit response "" does not match the value in the describeTasking request "". FAILURE: There must be one and only one "task" element in the submit response. FAILURE: There must be one and only one "task" element in the submit response. FAILURE: When requestStatus = "Pending" or requestStatus = "Rejected" ,It must have no element of "event,percentCompletion,taskStatus" in the response. FAILURE: When requestStatus = "Accepted" ,there is one and only one element for each element in "event,percentCompletion,taskStatus" in the response. FAILURE: When requestStatus = "Accepted" ,the element value is not correct in the Submit response,see SPS 2.0 Standard Table 31 of [OGC 09-000]. GetStatus URL: GetTask URL: DescribeResultAccess URL: Execute GetStatus Test. Pass if all the subtest not fail; fail otherwise. docs/SPS%202.0%20ATS.html#SPS.GetStatus post post GetStatus URL: Send a request (POST and SOAP) without parameter "service",and the response must be a valid exception with code "InvalidRequest" and locator "Expected attribute: service in element GetStatus@http://www.opengis.net/sps/2.0". Pass if the server (POST and SOAP) returns a valid exception message with an exceptionCode "InvalidRequest" and locator is "Expected attribute: service in element GetStatus@http://www.opengis.net/sps/2.0"; fail otherwise. post FAILURE: The server did not return a response to an invalid GetStatus request or the response was not a valid exception. The response was: The response was: Checking the response for validity... The validity check returned: FAILURE: The server did not return the expected exception report response to a GetStatus request with no service parameter specified. The response was expected to be an ExceptionReport with an exceptionCode of "InvalidRequest" and a locator of "Expected attribute: service in element GetStatus@http://www.opengis.net/sps/2.0". The server returns a valid error report message with a value of MissingParameterValue for the exceptionCode parameter when invalid task value is supplied in the request. Pass if the server return a valid Exception response; fail otherwise. post FAILURE: The server did not return a response to an invalid GetStatus request or the response was not a valid exception. The response was: The response was: Checking the response for validity... The validity check returned: FAILURE: The returned exception report was expected to contain an exceptionCode of MissingParameterValue and a locator of task. The server returns a valid error report message with a value of InvalidParameterValue for the exceptionCode parameter when invalid task value is supplied in the request. Pass if the server return a valid Exception response; fail otherwise. post FAILURE: The server did not return a response to an invalid GetStatus request or the response was not a valid exception. The response was: The response was: Checking the response for validity... The validity check returned: FAILURE: The returned exception report was expected to contain an exceptionCode of InvalidParameterValue and a locator of task. Send a request (POST and SOAP) without parameter "version",and the response must be a valid exception with code "InvalidRequest" and locator "Expected attribute: version in element GetStatus@http://www.opengis.net/sps/2.0". Pass if the server (POST and SOAP) returns a valid exception message with an exceptionCode "InvalidRequest" and locator is "Expected attribute: version in element GetStatus@http://www.opengis.net/sps/2.0"; fail otherwise. post FAILURE: The server did not return a response to an invalid GetStatus request or the response was not a valid exception. The response was: The response was: Checking the response for validity... The validity check returned: FAILURE: The server did not return the expected exception report response to a GetStatus request with no version parameter specified. The response was expected to be an ExceptionReport with an exceptionCode of "InvalidRequest" and a locator of "Expected attribute: version in element GetStatus@http://www.opengis.net/sps/2.0". The server returns a valid error report message with a value of MissingParameterValue for the exceptionCode parameter when null version value is supplied in the request. Pass if the server return a valid Exception response; fail otherwise. post FAILURE: The server did not return a response to an invalid GetStatus request or the response was not a valid exception. The response was: The response was: Checking the response for validity... The validity check returned: FAILURE: The returned exception report was expected to contain an exceptionCode of MissingParameterValue and a locator of version. The server returns a valid error report message with a value of InvalidParameterValue for the exceptionCode parameter when invalid version value is supplied in the request. Pass if the server return a valid Exception response; fail otherwise. post FAILURE: The server did not return a response to an invalid GetStatus request or the response was not a valid exception. The response was: The response was: Checking the response for validity... The validity check returned: FAILURE: The returned exception report was expected to contain an exceptionCode of InvalidParameterValue and a locator of version. The server returns a valid error report message with a value of InvalidRequest for the exceptionCode parameter when no Task value is supplied in the request. Pass if the server return a valid Exception response; fail otherwise. post FAILURE: The server did not return a response to an invalid GetStatus request or the response was not a valid exception. The response was: The response was: Checking the response for validity... The validity check returned: FAILURE: The returned exception report was expected to contain an exceptionCode of InvalidRequest and a locator of task. The server returns a valid error report message with a value of MissingParameterValue for the exceptionCode parameter when invalid task value is supplied in the request. Pass if the server return a valid Exception response; fail otherwise. post FAILURE: The server did not return a response to an invalid Submit request or the response was not a valid exception. The response was: The response was: Checking the response for validity... The validity check returned: FAILURE: The returned exception report was expected to contain an exceptionCode of MissingParameterValue and a locator of task. The server returns a valid error report message with a value of InvalidParameterValue for the exceptionCode parameter when invalid task value is supplied in the request. Pass if the server return a valid Exception response; fail otherwise. post FAILURE: The server did not return a response to an invalid Submit request or the response was not a valid exception. The response was: The response was: Checking the response for validity... The validity check returned: FAILURE: The returned exception report was expected to contain an exceptionCode of InvalidParameterValue and a locator of task. The server returns a valid error report message with a value of OptionNotSupported for the exceptionCode parameter when invalid since value is supplied in the request. Pass if the server return a valid Exception response; fail otherwise. post FAILURE: The server did not return a response to an invalid Submit request or the response was not a valid exception. The response was: The response was: Checking the response for validity... The validity check returned: FAILURE: The returned exception report was expected to contain an exceptionCode of OptionNotSupported and a locator of since. All GetStatus request with valid parameters have correct response. Pass if the GetStatus response are correct; fail otherwise. 2000-01-01T00:00:00+00:00 post 2000-01-01T00:00:00+00:00 FAILURE: The server did not return a response to an invalid GetStatus request or the response was not a valid exception. FAILURE: The response have zero or more than one sps:status but the request didn't have since parameter. FAILURE: There must be one and only one "task" element in the GetStatus response. FAILURE: There must be one and only one "procedure" element in the GetStatus response. FAILURE: There must be one and only one "requestStatus" element in the GetStatus response. FAILURE: The element value of "requestStatus" should be "Pending", or "Accepted", or "Rejected". FAILURE: There must be one and only one "updateTime" element in the GetStatus response. Check Ok: The status in the GetStatus response for the task:"" procedure:"" is valid. Execute GetTask Test. Pass if all the subtest not fail; fail otherwise. docs/SPS%202.0%20ATS.html#SPS.GetTask post post GetTask URL: Send a request (POST and SOAP) without parameter "service",and the response must be a valid exception with code "InvalidRequest" and locator "Expected attribute: service in element GetTask@http://www.opengis.net/sps/2.0". Pass if the server (POST and SOAP) returns a valid exception message with an exceptionCode "InvalidRequest" and locator is "Expected attribute: service in element GetTask@http://www.opengis.net/sps/2.0"; fail otherwise. post FAILURE: The server did not return a response to an invalid GetTask request or the response was not a valid exception. The response was: The response was: Checking the response for validity... The validity check returned: FAILURE: The server did not return the expected exception report response to a GetTask request with no service parameter specified. The response was expected to be an ExceptionReport with an exceptionCode of "InvalidRequest" and a locator of "Expected attribute: service in element GetTask@http://www.opengis.net/sps/2.0". The server returns a valid error report message with a value of MissingParameterValue for the exceptionCode parameter when invalid service value is supplied in the request. Pass if the server return a valid Exception response; fail otherwise. post FAILURE: The server did not return a response to an invalid GetTask request or the response was not a valid exception. The response was: The response was: Checking the response for validity... The validity check returned: FAILURE: The returned exception report was expected to contain an exceptionCode of MissingParameterValue and a locator of service. The server returns a valid error report message with a value of InvalidParameterValue for the exceptionCode parameter when invalid service value is supplied in the request. Pass if the server return a valid Exception response; fail otherwise. post FAILURE: The server did not return a response to an invalid GetTask request or the response was not a valid exception. The response was: The response was: Checking the response for validity... The validity check returned: FAILURE: The returned exception report was expected to contain an exceptionCode of InvalidParameterValue and a locator of service. Send a request (POST and SOAP) without parameter "version",and the response must be a valid exception with code "InvalidRequest" and locator "Expected attribute: version in element GetTask@http://www.opengis.net/sps/2.0". Pass if the server (POST and SOAP) returns a valid exception message with an exceptionCode "InvalidRequest" and locator is "Expected attribute: version in element GetTask@http://www.opengis.net/sps/2.0"; fail otherwise. post FAILURE: The server did not return a response to an invalid GetStatus request or the response was not a valid exception. The response was: The response was: Checking the response for validity... The validity check returned: FAILURE: The server did not return the expected exception report response to a GetTask request with no version parameter specified. The response was expected to be an ExceptionReport with an exceptionCode of "InvalidRequest" and a locator of "Expected attribute: version in element GetTask@http://www.opengis.net/sps/2.0". The server returns a valid error report message with a value of MissingParameterValue for the exceptionCode parameter when null version value is supplied in the request. Pass if the server return a valid Exception response; fail otherwise. post FAILURE: The server did not return a response to an invalid GetTask request or the response was not a valid exception. The response was: The response was: Checking the response for validity... The validity check returned: FAILURE: The returned exception report was expected to contain an exceptionCode of MissingParameterValue and a locator of version. The server returns a valid error report message with a value of InvalidParameterValue for the exceptionCode parameter when invalid task value is supplied in the request. Pass if the server return a valid Exception response; fail otherwise. post FAILURE: The server did not return a response to an invalid GetTask request or the response was not a valid exception. The response was: The response was: Checking the response for validity... The validity check returned: FAILURE: The returned exception report was expected to contain an exceptionCode of InvalidParameterValue and a locator of version. The server returns a valid error report message with a value of InvalidRequest for the exceptionCode parameter when no Task value is supplied in the request. Pass if the server return a valid Exception response; fail otherwise. post FAILURE: The server did not return a response to an invalid GetStatus request or the response was not a valid exception. The response was: The response was: Checking the response for validity... The validity check returned: FAILURE: The returned exception report was expected to contain an exceptionCode of InvalidRequest and a locator of task. The server returns a valid error report message with a value of MissingParameterValue for the exceptionCode parameter when invalid task value is supplied in the request. Pass if the server return a valid Exception response; fail otherwise. post FAILURE: The server did not return a response to an invalid Submit request or the response was not a valid exception. The response was: The response was: Checking the response for validity... The validity check returned: FAILURE: The returned exception report was expected to contain an exceptionCode of MissingParameterValue and a locator of task. The server returns a valid error report message with a value of InvalidParameterValue for the exceptionCode parameter when invalid task value is supplied in the request. Pass if the server return a valid Exception response; fail otherwise. post FAILURE: The server did not return a response to an invalid Submit request or the response was not a valid exception. The response was: The response was: Checking the response for validity... The validity check returned: FAILURE: The returned exception report was expected to contain an exceptionCode of InvalidParameterValue and a locator of task. All GetTask request with valid parameters have correct response. Pass if the GetTask response are correct; fail otherwise. post FAILURE: The server did not return a response to an invalid GetTask request or the response was not a valid exception. FAILURE: It must have a "sps:task" element in the response of the GetTask. FAILURE: It must have a "sps:Task" element in the element "sps:task" in the GetTask response . FAILURE: It must have a "swes:identifier" element in the GetTask response and the element value equal to task value from the GetTask request. FAILURE: It mush have at least one sps:status in the GetTask response. FAILURE: There must be one and only one "task" element in the GetStatus response. FAILURE: There must be one and only one "procedure" element in the GetStatus response. FAILURE: There must be one and only one "requestStatus" element in the GetStatus response. FAILURE: The element value of "requestStatus" should be "Pending", or "Accepted", or "Rejected". FAILURE: There must be one and only one "updateTime" element in the GetStatus response. Check Ok: The status in the GetStatus response for the task:"" procedure:"" is valid. Execute DescribeResultAccess Test. Pass if all the subtest not fail; fail otherwise. docs/SPS%202.0%20ATS.html#SPS.DescribeResultAccess DescribeResultAccess URL: *************************************** *Running DescribeResultAccess tests...* *************************************** *************************************** *************************************** *************************************** *************************************** *************************************** *************************************** *************************************** *************************************** Send a request (POST and SOAP) without parameter "service",and the response must be a valid exception with code "InvalidRequest" and locator "Expected attribute: service in element DescribeResultAccess@http://www.opengis.net/sps/2.0". Pass if the server (POST and SOAP) returns a valid exception message with an exceptionCode "InvalidRequest" and locator is "Expected attribute: service in element DescribeResultAccess@http://www.opengis.net/sps/2.0"; fail otherwise. post FAILURE: The server did not return a response to an invalid DescribeResultAccess request or the response was not a valid exception. The response was: The response was: Checking the response for validity... The validity check returned: FAILURE: The server did not return the expected exception report response to a DescribeResultAccess request with no service parameter specified. The response was expected to be an ExceptionReport with an exceptionCode of "InvalidRequest" and a locator of "Expected attribute: service in element DescribeResultAccess@http://www.opengis.net/sps/2.0". The server returns a valid error report message with a value of MissingParameterValue for the exceptionCode parameter when null service value (empty) is supplied in the request. Pass if the server return a valid Exception response; fail otherwise. post FAILURE: The server did not return a response to an invalid DescribeResultAccess request or the response was not a valid exception. The response was: The response was: Checking the response for validity... The validity check returned: FAILURE: The returned exception report was expected to contain an exceptionCode of MissingParameterValue and a locator of service. The server returns a valid error report message with a value of InvalidParameterValue for the exceptionCode parameter when invalid service value (not element procedure or task) is supplied in the request. Pass if the server return a valid Exception response; fail otherwise. post FAILURE: The server did not return a response to an invalid DescribeResultAccess request or the response was not a valid exception. The response was: The response was: Checking the response for validity... The validity check returned: FAILURE: The returned exception report was expected to contain an exceptionCode of InvalidParameterValue and a locator of service. Send a request (POST and SOAP) without parameter "version",and the response must be a valid exception with code "InvalidRequest" and locator "Expected attribute: version in element DescribeResultAccess@http://www.opengis.net/sps/2.0". Pass if the server (POST and SOAP) returns a valid exception message with an exceptionCode "InvalidRequest" and locator is "Expected attribute: version in element DescribeResultAccess@http://www.opengis.net/sps/2.0"; fail otherwise. post FAILURE: The server did not return a response to an invalid DescribeResultAccess request or the response was not a valid exception. The response was: The response was: Checking the response for validity... The validity check returned: FAILURE: The server did not return the expected exception report response to a DescribeResultAccess request with no version parameter specified. The response was expected to be an ExceptionReport with an exceptionCode of "InvalidRequest" and a locator of "Expected attribute: version in element DescribeResultAccess@http://www.opengis.net/sps/2.0". The server returns a valid error report message with a value of MissingParameterValue for the exceptionCode parameter when null version value (empty) is supplied in the request. Pass if the server return a valid Exception response; fail otherwise. post FAILURE: The server did not return a response to an invalid DescribeResultAccess request or the response was not a valid exception. The response was: The response was: Checking the response for validity... The validity check returned: FAILURE: The returned exception report was expected to contain an exceptionCode of MissingParameterValue and a locator of version. The server returns a valid error report message with a value of InvalidParameterValue for the exceptionCode parameter when invalid version value is supplied in the request. Pass if the server return a valid Exception response; fail otherwise. post FAILURE: The server did not return a response to an invalid DescribeResultAccess request or the response was not a valid exception. The response was: The response was: Checking the response for validity... The validity check returned: FAILURE: The returned exception report was expected to contain an exceptionCode of InvalidParameterValue and a locator of version. The server returns a valid error report message with a value of InvalidRequest for the exceptionCode parameter when no Target is supplied in the request. Pass if the server return a valid Exception response; fail otherwise. post FAILURE: The server did not return a response to an invalid DescribeResultAccess request or the response was not a valid exception. The response was: The response was: Checking the response for validity... The validity check returned: FAILURE: The returned exception report was expected to contain an exceptionCode of InvalidRequest and a locator of procedure. The server returns a valid error report message with a value of MissingParameterValue for the exceptionCode parameter when invalid target value (empty) is supplied in the request. Pass if the server return a valid Exception response; fail otherwise. post FAILURE: The server did not return a response to an invalid DescribeResultAccess request or the response was not a valid exception. The response was: The response was: Checking the response for validity... The validity check returned: FAILURE: The returned exception report was expected to contain an exceptionCode of MissingParameterValue and a locator of target. The server returns a valid error report message with a value of InvalidParameterValue for the exceptionCode parameter when invalid target value (not element procedure or task) is supplied in the request. Pass if the server return a valid Exception response; fail otherwise. post FAILURE: The server did not return a response to an invalid DescribeResultAccess request or the response was not a valid exception. The response was: The response was: Checking the response for validity... The validity check returned: FAILURE: The returned exception report was expected to contain an exceptionCode of InvalidParameterValue and a locator of target. The server returns a valid error report message with a value of MissingParameterValue for the exceptionCode parameter when invalid target value (procedure or task) is supplied in the request. Pass if the server return a valid Exception response; fail otherwise. post post FAILURE: The server did not return a response to an invalid DescribeResultAccess request or the response was not a valid exception. The response was: The response was: Checking the response for validity... The validity check returned: FAILURE: The returned exception report was expected to contain an exceptionCode of MissingParameterValue and a locator of procedure (invalid procedure). FAILURE: The server did not return a response to an invalid DescribeResultAccess request or the response was not a valid exception. The response was: The response was: Checking the response for validity... The validity check returned: FAILURE: The returned exception report was expected to contain an exceptionCode of MissingParameterValue and a locator of task (invalid task). The server returns a valid error report message with a value of InvalidParameterValue for the exceptionCode parameter when invalid target value (procedure or task) is supplied in the request. Pass if the server return a valid Exception response; fail otherwise. post post FAILURE: The server did not return a response to an invalid DescribeResultAccess request or the response was not a valid exception. The response was: The response was: Checking the response for validity... The validity check returned: FAILURE: The returned exception report was expected to contain an exceptionCode of InvalidParameterValue and a locator of procedure. FAILURE: The server did not return a response to an invalid DescribeResultAccess request or the response was not a valid exception. The response was: The response was: Checking the response for validity... The validity check returned: FAILURE: The returned exception report was expected to contain an exceptionCode of InvalidParameterValue and a locator of task (invalid task). All GetTask request with valid parameters (valid procedure in the target) have correct response. Pass if the server return a valid response; fail otherwise. post FAIL: Did not receive a valid response or the response was not a valid exception.[procedure=] Document element: "" All GetTask request with valid parameters (valid task in the target) have correct response. Pass if the server return a valid response; fail otherwise. post FAILURE: The server did not return a response to an invalid DescribeResultAccess request or the response was not a valid exception.[task=] The response of DescribeResultAccess is valid. 檢查 DescribeResultAccess 的response , ReferenceGroup內容再丟給另外一個test檢查 Note: Response entity has already been validated against spsDescribeResultAccess.xsd All ReferenceGroup is valid in DescribeResultAccess response for a DescribeResultAccess request with procedure or task. $ReferenceGroup 有包含 ReferenceGroup tag Check SPS 2.0 09-000 Table 41. 1,2,3,4,5 整合測試 v1.ows:Reference 1個 (2的話是ows:SystemReference) v2.屬性 role 1個 (五種可能性) v3.屬性 Title 0..1個 v4.元素 ows:Identifier 1個 5.元素 ows:Format 0..1個(3,5) 其他不檢查 6.元素 ows:Abstract 0..1個(3) 其他不檢查 7.元素 ows:Metadata 1..*個(123) 其他不檢查 8.requestMessage 只有2有,2選1 其他不檢查 或 requestMessageReference" FAIL: A resource reference must have a child ows:Identifier .[=] Case 1 (ows:Reference - FullURLAccess): [=] FAIL: The number of Metadata element in the Reference must be one or more.[=] FAIL: The number of SPSMetadata elements in the Metadata must be one or more.[=] Case 2 (ows:ServiceReference - FullServiceAccess): [=] FAIL: The number of Metadata element in the ServiceReference must be one or more.[=] FAIL: The number of RequestMessage element or RequestMessageReference element in the ServiceReference must be one.[=] FAIL: The number of SPSMetadata elements in the Metadata must be one or more.[=] Case 3 (ows:Reference - ServiceURL): [=] FAIL: The number of Metadata element in the Reference must be one or more.[=] FAIL: The number of Abstract element in the Reference must be zero or one.[=] FAIL: The number of SPSMetadata elements in the Metadata must be one or more.[=] Case 4 (ows:Reference - Resource): [=] No constraints to check. Case 5 (ows:Reference - Folder): [=] FAIL: The number of Format element in the Reference must be zero or one.[=] WARNING: The given resource reference does not match any known cases (1-5). with @xlink:role = '' Please check the SPS 2.0 specification, Table 41.