SOS 1.0.0 Test Suite Release Notes Changes included in latest revision: Revision r12 (2014-03-06): -Depended on xlink schemas 1.1 (W3C XLink 1.1) . "" will be changed to "" and "xlink:simpleLink" will be changed to "xlink: simpleAttrs" Revision r11 (2013-12-03): -Issue 908:Fixed sosFunctions:describeSensor schemaFile parameter value = "'xsd/ogc/sensorML/1.0.1/sensorML.xsd'" (Got value from capabilities before). Revision r10 (2013-11-22): -Issue 894: Fixed sos:general-SOS.General-InvalidRequest.1 error. Revision r9 (2013-10-23): -Issue 894: function [sosFunctions:operationVersion] changed to get first POST element value. function [sosFunctions:operationPostURL] changed to get first version value. function [sosFunctions:operationVersion] modify scripts to get version according to priority below: 1.Version in each . (Xpath = $capabilitiesDocument//ows:Operation[@name=$operation]/ows:Parameter[@name='version']//ows:AllowedValues/ows:Value[1]) 2.Version in . (Xpath = $capabilitiesDocument//sos:Capabilities/ows:OperationsMetadata/ows:Parameter[@name='version']/ows:AllowedValues/ows:Value[1]) 3. in . (Xpath = $capabilitiesDocument//sos:Capabilities/ows:ServiceIdentification/ows:ServiceTypeVersion[1]) Revision r8 (2013-10-23): -Issue 877,878 Add acceptVersion parameter in all GetCapabilities request via KVP. OWS 1.1.0 06-121r3 7.3.2 Version negotiation Version negotiation is performed using the optional AcceptVersions parameter in the GetCapabilities operation request. Although optional, client software should always include this parameter, to simplify version negotiation. Revision r7 (2013-05-13): - Fixed sosFunctions:describeSensorFirstProcedure sos:ObservationOffering change to sos:ObservationOffering[1] to avoid getting 2 procedures. Revision r6: - Updated config file for TEAM-Engine v4. - Fixed invalid function arguments (wrong datatype) - Removed nested package elements in SOS_ETS.xml Revision r5 2012-07-20 (rocky) - The default getCapabilities URL in the form test change to be "". Revision r4 2012-07-20 (rocky) - Update test suite for new xlink policy Revision r3 2012-04-05 (rocky) - modified type="resource" - added sensorML schema - modified sosFunctions:schemaPathFromMimeType - modified kvp - updated information about OWS and SOS - fixed exceptionReportSchemaPath function error - modified namepsace sosFunctions (4572) Revision r2 2012-01-23 (rocky and lbermudez) - User can now choose to execute a single-test or complete-tests. - Use a MissingParameterValue as a valid exception code instead of InvalidRequest. InvalidRequest is not listed in SOS or in OWS Common v 1.1 or 2.0 as a valid exception code. "InvalidRequest" is listed in SWES 2.0, but SOS 1.0 uses SWE 1.0.1 (xmlns:swe=""). - In GetCapabilities the observedProperty can now be any URI (URN and URL) now. Before, the value of the observedProperty parameter was a URN. But In SOS 1.0.0 06-009r6 p29 it said that the observedProperty in GetObservation can be a URI. - Added further check when testing DescribeSensor operation. The script check if there is response and that the response is a correct SensorML and TML response. - Changed error tag "xsl:message" to "ctl:message" in test "getObservation:core-SOS.GetObservation-ResponseMatchingSRSData.1". - Call new function "sosFunctions:capabilitiesOfferingName" now allows to test all observed properties, not only the first one. - The value for Procedure is now extracted from the value of the identifier and not the value of the definition (which is optional) - Improved handling of MIME types, The test now allows use the use of subtypes and additional parameters. For example text/xml; subtype="myOrg/0.6.1" - The sosFunctions:mimeSubtype now returns MIME type with a valid om subytpe (text/xml; subtype="om/1.0.1") if there is no specified subtype information. 2011-08-29 (rocky): - tag r2 2009-07-23 (kstegemoller): - tag r0