An invalid srsName in the request produces a valid error message. Check that an invalid srsName in the request produces a valid error message. Pass if an invalid srsName produces a valid error message; fail otherwise. docs/sos/1.0/SOS 1.0 ATS.html#SOS.GetObservation-RequestInvalidSRSName post Exception report failed schema validation, or no exception was produced. Invalid exception code. Exception code should be: 'InvalidParameterValue'. Invalid locator. Locator value should be: 'srsName'. OK An invalid offering in the request produces a valid error message. Check that an invalid offering in the request produces a valid error message. Pass if an invalid offering in the request produces a valid error message; fail otherwise. docs/sos/1.0/SOS 1.0 ATS.html#SOS.GetObservation-RequestInvalidOffering post Exception report failed schema validation, or no exception was produced. Invalid exception code. Exception code should be: 'InvalidParameterValue'. Invalid locator. Locator value should be: 'offering'. OK An invalid eventTime in the request produces a valid error message. Check that an invalid eventTime in the request produces a valid error message. Pass if an invalid eventTime in the request produces a valid error message; fail otherwise. docs/sos/1.0/SOS 1.0 ATS.html#SOS.GetObservation-RequestInvalidEventTime Exception report failed schema validation, or no exception was produced. Invalid exception code. Exception code should be: 'InvalidParameterValue'. Invalid locator. Locator value should be: 'eventTime'. OK An invalid procedure in the request produces a valid error message. Check that an invalid procedure in the request produces a valid error message. Pass if an invalid procedure in the request produces a valid error message; fail otherwise. docs/sos/1.0/SOS 1.0 ATS.html#SOS.GetObservation-RequestInvalidProcedure post Exception report failed schema validation, or no exception was produced. Invalid exception code. Exception code should be: 'InvalidParameterValue'. Invalid locator. Locator value should be: 'procedure'. OK Supplying one or more invalid observedProperty values in the request produces a valid error message. Check that supplying one or more invalid observedProperty values in the request produces a valid error message. Pass if an invalid observedProperty value produces a valid error message; fail otherwise. docs/sos/1.0/SOS 1.0 ATS.html#SOS.GetObservation-RequestInvalidObservedProperty post Exception report failed schema validation, or no exception was produced. Invalid exception code. Exception code should be: 'InvalidParameterValue'. Invalid locator. Locator value should be: 'observedProperty'. OK Supplying one or more invalid featureOfInterest values in the request produces a valid error message. Check that supplying one or more invalid featureOfInterest values in the request produces a valid error message. Pass if one or more invalid featureOfInterest values in the request produces a valid error message; fail otherwise. docs/sos/1.0/SOS 1.0 ATS.html#SOS.GetObservation-RequestInvalidFeatureOfInterest post Exception report failed schema validation, or no exception was produced. Invalid exception code. Exception code should be: 'InvalidParameterValue'. Invalid locator. Locator value should be: 'featureOfInterest'. OK Providing an invalid value in the result field produces a valid error message. Check that providing an invalid value in the result field produces a valid error message. Pass if a valid error message is produced from providing an invalid value in the result field; fail otherwise. docs/sos/1.0/SOS 1.0 ATS.html#SOS.GetObservation-RequestInvalidResult No appropriate operator for this test could be found. Test will not be run. post Exception report failed schema validation, or no exception was produced. Invalid exception code. Exception code should be: 'InvalidParameterValue'. OK Providing an invalid outputFormat value produces a valid error message. Check that providing an invalid outputFormat value produces a valid error message. Pass if an invalid outputFormat produces a valid error message; fail otherwise. docs/sos/1.0/SOS 1.0 ATS.html#SOS.GetObservation-RequestInvalidResponseFormat post Exception report failed schema validation, or no exception was produced. Invalid exception code. Exception code should be: 'InvalidParameterValue'. Invalid locator. Locator value should be: 'responseFormat'. OK Providing an invalid resultModel in the request produces a valid error message. Check that providing an invalid resultModel in the request produces a valid error message. Pass if providing an invalid resultModel in the request produces a valid error message; fail otherwise. docs/sos/1.0/SOS 1.0 ATS.html#SOS.GetObservation-RequestInvalidResultModel post Exception report failed schema validation, or no exception was produced. Invalid exception code. Exception code should be: 'InvalidParameterValue'. Invalid locator. Locator value should be: 'resultModel'. OK Providing an invalid responseMode in the request produces a valid error message. Check that providing an invalid responseMode in the request produces a valid error message. Pass if providing an invalid responseMode in the request produces a valid error mesage; fail otherwise. docs/sos/1.0/SOS 1.0 ATS.html#SOS.GetObservation-RequestInvalidResponseMode post Exception report failed schema validation, or no exception was produced. Invalid exception code. Exception code should be: 'InvalidParameterValue'. Invalid locator. Locator value should be: 'responseMode'. OK If an srsName value is supplied in the request, then the srs of the response data is valid according to the format specified by the requested srsName. Check if an srsName value is supplied in the request, then the srs of the response data is valid according to the format specified by the requested srsName. Pass if assertion holds; fail otherwise. docs/sos/1.0/SOS 1.0 ATS.html#SOS.GetObservation-ResponseMatchingSRSData Skipped because it is not offered in a text/xml response format post Response failed schema validation. The procedure value(s) in the response match or are a subset of the procedure value(s) specified in the request. Check that the procedure value(s) in the response match or are a subset of the procedure value(s) specified in the request. Pass if assertion holds; fail otherwise. docs/sos/1.0/SOS 1.0 ATS.html#SOS.GetObservation-ResponseMatchingProcedureData Skipped because indeterminate or undefined time period. Skipped because it is not offered in a text/xml response format post Response failed schema validation. OK The observedProperty value(s) in the response match or are a subset of the observedProperty value(s) specified in the request. Check the observedProperty value(s) in the response match or are a subset of the observedProperty value(s) specified in the request. Pass if assertion holds; fail otherwise. docs/sos/1.0/SOS 1.0 ATS.html#SOS.GetObservation-ResponseMatchingObservedPropertyData Skipped because indeterminate or undefined time period. Skipped because it is not offered in a text/xml response format post Response failed schema validation. The server returns one or more observations when the advertised eventTime for the requested offering is supplied in a valid request. Check that the server returns one or more observations when the advertised eventTime for the requested offering is supplied in a valid request. Pass if one more observations are returned when supplied a valid request; fail otherwise. docs/sos/1.0/SOS 1.0 ATS.html#SOS.GetObservation-ResponseAdvertisedEventTimeData post urn:ogc:data:time:iso8601 Response failed schema validation. The time value(s) in the response data fall within the requested eventTime. Check the time value(s) in the response data fall within the requested eventTime. Pass if assertion holds; fail otherwise. docs/sos/1.0/SOS 1.0 ATS.html#SOS.GetObservation-ResponseMatchingEventTimeData Response failed schema validation. OK Response failed schema validation. Response failed schema validation. Response failed schema validation. The featureOfInterest value(s) in the response match or fall within the spatial extent identified in the featureOfInterest value specified in the request. Check the featureOfInterest value(s) in the response match or fall within the spatial extent identified in the featureOfInterest value specified in the request. Pass if assertion holds; fail otherwise. docs/sos/1.0/SOS 1.0 ATS.html#SOS.GetObservation-ResponseMatchingFeatureOfInterestData Skipped because indeterminate or undefined time period. Skipped because it is not offered in a text/xml response format post Response failed schema validation. If a valid filter value is supplied in the result parameter of the request, then the response O & M data is valid for that filter. Check that if a valid filter value is supplied in the result parameter of the request, then the response O & M data is valid for that filter. Pass if response O & M data is valid for the filter when supplied a valid filter; fail otherwise. docs/sos/1.0/SOS 1.0 ATS.html#SOS.GetObservation-ResponseMatchingResultData No appropriate operator (EqualTo) for this test could be found. Test will not be run. 700 post Exception report failed schema validation, or no exception was produced. OK The format of the response data matches the format supplied in the responseFormat parameter of the request. Check that the format of the response data matches the format supplied in the responseFormat parameter of the request. Pass if assertion holds; fail otherwise. docs/sos/1.0/SOS 1.0 ATS.html#SOS.GetObservation-ResponseMatchingResponseFormatData Skipped because it is not offered in a text/xml response format post Response failed schema validation. OK The format of the response data matches the requested resultModel. Check that the format of the response data matches the requested resultModel. Pass if assertion holds; fail otherwise. docs/sos/1.0/SOS 1.0 ATS.html#SOS.GetObservation-ResponseMatchingResultModel post The format of the response data matches the requested responseMode. Check that the format of the response data matches the requested responseMode. Pass if assertion holds; fail otherwise. docs/sos/1.0/SOS 1.0 ATS.html#SOS.GetObservation-ResponseMatchingResponseMode post