Supplying an invalid MIME type (not advertised in the capabilities document) or no MIME type for the outputFormat produces a valid error report message. Check that supplying an invalid MIME type (not advertised in the capabilities document) or no MIME type for the outputFormat produces a valid error report message. Pass if an invalid MIME type or no MIME type produces a valid error report; fail otherwise. ATS_URL#SOS.DescribeSensor-RequestInvalidMIMEType post Exception report failed schema validation, or no exception was produced. Invalid exception code. Exception code should be: 'MissingParameterValue'. Invalid locator. Locator value should be: 'outputFormat'. OK post Exception report failed schema validation, or no exception was produced. Invalid exception code. Exception code should be: 'InvalidParameterValue'. Invalid locator. Locator value should be: 'outputFormat'. OK Supplying an invalid procedure (not advertised in the capabilities document) or no procedure for the procedure produces a valid error report message. Check that supplying an invalid Procedure (not advertised in the capabilities document) or no Procedure for the Procedure produces a valid error report message. Pass if an invalid Procedure or no Procedure produces a valid error report message; fail otherwise. ATS_URL#SOS.DescribeSensor-RequestInvalidProcedure post Exception report failed schema validation, or no exception was produced. Invalid exception code. Exception code should be: 'MissingParameterValue'. Invalid locator. Locator value should be: 'procedure'. OK post Exception report failed schema validation, or no exception was produced. Invalid exception code. Exception code should be: 'InvalidParameterValue'. Invalid locator. Locator value should be: 'procedure'. OK The format of the response document matches the outputFormat specified in the request and is valid according to the outputFormat schema. Check that the format of the response document matches the outputFormat specified in the request and is valid according to the outputFormat schema. Pass if assertion holds; fail otherwise. ATS_URL#SOS.DescribeSensor-ResponseMatchingResponseFormat OK The unique identifier in the response document matches the procedure specified in the request. Check that the unique identifier in the response document matches the Procedure specified in the request. Pass if assertion holds; fail otherwise. ATS_URL#SOS.DescribeSensor-ResponseMatchingProcedure OK