Deprecated infoset items in GML 3.2 (ISO 19136, Annex I).
Reports the occurrence of deprecated element and attribute information items.
The gml:metaDataProperty element is deprecated (cl.
The gml:location element is deprecated in GML features (cl. 9.3.1).
The use of gml:description to reference an
external description has been deprecated--use gml:descriptionReference instead
The use of gml:dataSource to refer to a remote
data source has been deprecated--use gml:dataSourceReference instead (cl. 14.5.2).
The gml:Null element is deprecated in gml:BoundingShapeType (cl. 9.4.1).
The gml:coordinates element is deprecated (cl.
The gml:pos element is deprecated (cl.
The gml:coordinates element is deprecated. Use gml:pos instead
(cl. 10.3.1).
The gml:coordinates element is deprecated. Use gml:posList instead
(cl. 10.5.8).
The gml:pointRep element is deprecated. Use gml:pointProperty instead
(cl. I.5.3).