Release Notes
2.2-r10 (2014-MM-DD)
The project is now hosted on GitHub. There are no substantive changes to any tests
in this release.
- Modify POM for GitHub.
- Add site content.
- Change license to Apache License, Version 2.0.
2.2-r9 (2014-04-15)
This maintenance release includes the following fixes:
- CITE-942: verifyLinkReferent cannot handle parameterized URL (in PhotoOverlay).
2.2-r8 (2014-03-20)
This maintenance release includes the following changes:
- Resolve CITE-941: verifyUpdateTarget now checks updates against the original data.
- Resolve CITE-938 (Incorrect ATS reference in verifyAltitudeInGroundOverlay).
- Resolve CITE-903 (verifyGeometryTesselate test produces incorrect verdict).
- Resolve CITE-884 (Add support for validating KMZ files).
- Fix XPath expression in verifyTextureFileAliasInModel (SpatialTests).
2.2-r7 (2014-03-04)
This is a maintenance release; it includes the following changes:
- Modify unit tests to run without a network connection.
- Update dependencies to latest releases.
2.2-r6 (2013-09-19)
This is a maintenance release; it includes the following changes:
- Updated dependencies: jts-1.13, jena-iri-1.0.0.
- Write reporter output to test session directory when invoked via CTL script.
2.2-r5 (2013-08-23)
This is a maintenance release; it includes the following changes:
- CTL results show test verdicts for each conformance class.
- Updated dependencies.
2.2-r4 (2013-07-19)
This is a maintenance release; it includes the following fixes:
- CITE-844 (NoSuchMethodError thrown executing KML 2.2 test suite).
- Check lowest conformance level by default instead of highest.