GML 3.2 (ISO 19136:2007) Conformance Test Suite


This executable test suite (ETS) verifies the conformance of GML data and application schemas with respect to ISO 19136:2007 (GML 3.2.1). It can be used to check a GML application schema or an instance document; both types of resources are referenced by URI. The application schema could be accessed from a variety of sources, such as a WFS (DescribeFeatureType request using the GET method) or a catalogue service. As shown in Figure 1, a conforming GML data instance must refer to the relevant GML application schema, which in turn imports the complete GML schema.

GML schemas

Figure 1 - GML schemas

A Schematron schema (ISO 19757-3) may be used to define supplementary data constraints that lay beyond the reach of an XML Schema grammar. A GML instance document may include a schema reference using the xml-model processing instruction (PI) as described in the W3C group note Associating Schemas with XML documents 1.0 (Third Edition). The PI must appear before the document element as shown in the following listing.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<?xml-model href="" 
<CityModel xmlns="">
  <!-- content omitted --> 

The uom attribute indicates the unit of measure for some measured quantity. If the value is not an absolute URI, it is expected to be a unit symbol (possibly with a prefix symbol) appearing in the Unified Code for Units of Measure (UCUM).

Test coverage

Table 1 in the GML specification defines the conformance classes related to GML application schemas. In this test suite all mandatory conformance requirements are checked, and every GML instance document is thoroughly validated against all referenced application schemas. However, the classes dealing with less commonly used types of objects are not implemented by the current test suite. Table 1 below indicates the implementation status of each conformance class.

Table 1 - Conformance class coverage
Name ATS reference Implemented in test suite
All GML application schemas A.1.1 Yes
GML application schemas defining features and feature collections A.1.4 Yes
GML application schemas defining spatial geometries A.1.5 Yes
GML application schemas defining spatial topologies A.1.6 Yes
GML application schemas defining time A.1.7 Yes
GML application schemas defining coordinate reference systems A.1.8 No
GML application schemas defining coverages A.1.9 No
GML application schemas defining observations A.1.10 No
GML application schemas defining dictionaries and definitions A.1.11 No
GML application schemas defining values A.1.12 No

No specific conformance classes are defined for GML instance documents. However, clause A.3 (Abstract test suite for GML documents) includes a set of abstract test cases for validating GML documents. Of these, A.3.1-A.3.4 are implemented by this test suite. Clause A.3.5 is a very broad, catch-all constraint that is partly implemented: "Verify that the GML document complies with all other constraints specified by this International Standard."

Among the constraints implied by A.3.5 are those concerned with the validity of geometry representations. The suite includes tests that validate the geometry elements listed below; these tests also apply to any application-defined geometries that can substitute for the standard GML elements.

Test suite structure

The test suite definition file (testng.xml) is located in the root package, org.opengis.cite.iso19136. A conformance class corresponds to a <test> element; each test element includes a set of test classes that contain the actual test methods. The general structure of the test suite is shown in Table 2.

Table 2 - Test suite structure
Conformance class Test classes
All GML application schemas
  • org.opengis.cite.iso19136.general.XMLSchemaTests
  • org.opengis.cite.iso19136.general.GeneralSchemaTests
  • org.opengis.cite.iso19136.general.ModelAndSyntaxTests
  • org.opengis.cite.iso19136.general.ComplexPropertyTests
GML application schemas defining features and feature collections
  • org.opengis.cite.iso19136.components.FeatureComponentTests
GML application schemas defining spatial geometries
  • org.opengis.cite.iso19136.components.GeometryComponentTests
GML application schemas defining time
  • org.opengis.cite.iso19136.components.TemporalComponentTests
GML application schemas defining spatial topologies
  • org.opengis.cite.iso19136.components.TopologyComponentTests
GML Documents

The Javadoc documentation provides more detailed information about the test methods that constitute the suite.

Test requirements

The documents listed below stipulate requirements that must be satisfied by a conforming application schema.

A conforming GML application schema must satisfy all mandatory constraints and define at least one type of GML object in accord with clauses 21.3 through 21.11. The applicable type-specific test cases are described in clauses A.1.4 through A.1.12.

How to run the tests

The test suite may be run in any of the following environments:

The test run arguments are summarized in Table 3. The Obligation descriptor can have the following values: M (mandatory), O (optional), or C (conditional). A GML application schema may be validated by itself. If the 'xsd' and 'gml' arguments are both present, the 'xsd' value is ignored and the (required) schema reference in the GML instance will be used instead.

Table 3 - Test run arguments
Name Value domain Obligation Description
xsd URI C (must be present if the 'gml' argument is not supplied) A URI referring to a GML application schema 1.
gml URI C (must be present if the 'xsd' argument is not supplied) A URI referring to a representation of a GML data instance 1.
sch URI O A URI referring to a Schematron schema that defines supplementary data constraints 2.
  1. Ampersand ('&') characters appearing within query parameter values must be percent-encoded as %26.
  2. ISO 19757-3:2006